1.3 Developmental disorders of the urethra and the male genitalia Flashcards
what is Hypospadias?
Fusion of the urethral folds stop proximal to the tip of the glans penis
what anomalies Hypospadias is associated with?
Association of 3 anomalies:
- Abnormal ventral opening of the urethral meatus
- abnormal curvature of the penis
- abnormal distribution of foreskin with dorsally
present hood and ventral deficient foreskin.
Etiology of Hypospadias?
- lack of testosterone production
- lack of androgen receptors
- lack of 5 alpha reductase
Hypospadiasn Treatment?
Surgical repair:
- Urethroplasty
- meatoplasty
- glanuloplasty
what is Phimosis?
Inability to retract the foreskin due to adhesions existing between the prepuce and the glans (due to smegma accumulation).
what is Failure of testicular development
- Can occur all along the developmental line
- Make sure it´s not cryptorchidism by doing laparoscopic inguinal/abdominal exploratory surgery
what is Cryptorchidism?
The failure of descent of testis
Cryptorchidism numbers?
In 30% of boys born at 30 weeks
Most will descend within first 6 months
how do you diagnose Cryptorchidism?
palpation and Imaging studies can assist.
what is Hydrocele?
- When processus vaginalis fails to close.
- More common in premature babies
- leads to Accumulation of peritoneal fluid.
- Most cases resolve spontaneously
o requires Surgery to close if persisting
what is varicocele?
Dilation and tortuosity of the pampiniform plexus greater than 2 mm
varicocele in numbers?
- Mostly left sided
- 12-20% of males
- 15-25 years
varicocele symps?
- Infertility
- scrotal pain
- visible enlarged veins
- feeling of heaviness in the testicle.
varicocele diagnosis and therapy?
Dx: US
th: Varicocelectomy
what is Epispadias?
- Urethra ends in an opening on the upper aspect of the penis.
- Noted as a component of the bladder and cloacal exstrophy.
- It can cause incontinese.
Epispadias th?
Reconstructive surgery
what is Inconspicuous penis?
- A penis that appears to be small.
- Several enteties:
1. Webbed penis
2. conceal penis (buried, hidden)
3. trapped penis.
what is Megalourethra?
Dilatation without stenosis, could be due to the lack of corpus cavernosum.