13. Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
General points
- Role
- Purely ____
- What is the master regulator?
- Maintains the internal environment
- Purely motor
- Hypothalamus
General points
Name the CNS higher centers of the ANS
- Hippocampus
- Neocortex
- Hypothalamus
- Medullary & pontine reticular formation
- Reticulospinal tracts
What is the master regulator of the ANS
* Connected to adenohypophysis via portal circulation
* Connected to neurohypophysis via neurons
* Continues caudally as the midbrain and brainstem reticular formation
Name functions of the hypothalamus
- Bladder control
- Vasopressins (ADH) and oxytocin production
- Temperature regulation
- Hunger
- Thirst
- Aggression
- Sexual function
- Sleep regulation
Reticulospinal tracts
* Ventral vs lateral?
- Lateral horn (sympathetic);
- Ventral horn (parasympathetic)
- Many collaterals (bilateral effects)
Describe the 2 neurons of the ANS
Slide 7
- Pre-ganglionic: CB in gray matter, myelinated
- Post-ganglioninc: CB in ganglion outside of CNS, UNmyelinated
Sympathetic: short pre-ganglionic.
Pre = ACh, Post = EPI (a/b adrenergic receptors)
Parasympathetic: long pre-ganglionic, ganglia close to effector organ
Pre/post = ACh (n/mAChRs)
What are ‘boutons en passage’?
Slide 8
Bead-like swellings at the terminal portion of post-ganglionic axons; near the surface of effector cells
Name and locate the pre-ganglionic nuclei of the ANS
- pS nuclei of III, VII, IX, X
- Intermediolateral nucleus (T1-L3) S
- Sacral pS nucleus (S2-S3)
What/where is the pre-ganglionic sympathetic nucleus?
T1-L3; intermediolateral nucleus
Pre-ganglioninic (ACh) = short; Post-ganglionic (EPI) = long
What/where are the preganglionic parasympathetic nuclei?
- Brainstem pS nuclei III, VII, IX, X
- Parasympathetic sacral nucleus (S2-3)
Pre ganglionic (ACh) = long; post-ganglioninc (ACh) = short
The initial pathway for all sympathetic pre-ganglionic axons is the same. Describe it.
Slide 11
CB in intermediolateral nucleus (T1-L3) -> ventral nerve root -> communicans ramus -> sympathetic trunk gangion or other travel to other site -> post-ganglionic fibers then travel along blood vessels
What are the 3 sympathetic ganglia
Sympathetic trunk
Terminal ganglia
Collateral ganglia
The sympathetic chain ganglia is paired, runs along ventrolateral surface of the vertebral column, and continues rostrally as the…
Cervicothoracic vertebral system
Middle cervical ganglion
Cervicothoracic ganglion