1.3 Flashcards
profectio profectionis
departure (f.)
3rd Declension
biennium, bienni(i)
space of two years (n.)
2nd Declension
to choose, to select
3rd Conjugation
deligo, deligere, delegi, delectum
Casticus, Castici
a Gallic chieftain (m.)
2nd Declension
Catamantaloedis, -is
a Gallic chieftain - father of Casticus (m.)
Dumnorix, Dumnorigis
Dumnorix (m.)
3rd Declension
factus, factus
a making, building (m.)
4th Declension
matrimonium, matrimonii
marriage (n.)
2nd Declension
achieve, execute, accomplish, finish
3rd Conjugation
perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfactus
acceptus, -a, -um
1st/2nd Adjective
welcome, pleasant, agreeable
to swear an oath
ius iurandum
firmus, -a, -um
firm, strong
to procure, provide, prepare
1st Conjugation
concilio, conciliare, conciliavi, conciliatum
principatus, principatus
the chief place in the state or army, the post of commander-in-chief (m.)
4th Declension
Diviciacus, Diviciaci
a chief of the Aedui (m.)
2nd Declension
Aeduus, -a, -um
1st/2nd Adjective
of the Aedui tribe
Sequanus, Sequani
the Sequani - a Gallic tribe (m.)
2nd Declension
legio, legionis
an embassy (f.) 3rd Declension
to make firm; establish
1st Conjugation
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatum
be in store, be at hand; suffice
3rd Connjugation
suppeto, suppetere, suppetivi/ suppetii, suppetitum
sementis, sementis
a sowing, planting (f.)
3rd i Declension
to buy up
3rd Conjugation
coemo, coemere, coemi, coemptum
carrus, carri
cart (m.)
2nd Declension
iumentum, iumenti
beast of burden (n.)
2nd Declension
determine to do (something), resolve to, decide to
3rd Conjugtion
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum
- always takes a complimentary infinitive
to stir up, excite; to influence, lead, persuade
2nd Conjugation
permoveo, permovere, permovi, permotum