1.1 Flashcards
continuously, without interruption
Helvetius, -a, -um
1st / 2nd Adjective
surpass, excel
3rd Conjugation
praecedo, praecedere, praecessi, praecessum
cotidianus, -a, -um
1st / 2nd Adjective
fight with ; contend against
3rd Conjugation
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentum
hold, possess, keep possession of
2nd Conjugation
obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentum
Rhodanus, Rhodani
the river Rhodanus , the Rhone (m.)
2nd Declension
contain, hold together; (passive) be bordered by (+ablv.)
2nd Conjugation
contineo, continere, continui, contentum
Sequani, Sequanorum
the Sequani (people) (m. pl.)
to touch
3rd Connjugation
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactum
to bend, turn, incline; lie, be situated
3rd Conjugation
vergo, vergere, versi, ——
septentriones, septentriorum
the north (m.pl.) 3rd Declension
Hispania, Hispaniae
Spain (f. pl.)
Oceanus, Oceani
Ocean (m.)
2nd Declension
occasus, occasus
setting (of the heavenly bodies); the west
4th Declension
Rhenus, Rheni
the river Rhenus, the Rhine (m.)
2nd Declension
across, over, beyond (prep+acc.)
Germani, Germanorum
the Germans (m.pl)
bring in, import; introduce
1st Conjugation
importo, importare, importavi, importatum
to make womanish, enervate, weaken
1st Conjugation
effemino, effeminare, effeminavi, effeminatum
go up and down, come and go, visit frequently
1st Conjugation
commeo, commeare, commeavi, commeatum
mercator, mercatoris
trader, merchant (m.)
3rd Declension
Superlative Adverb
humanitas, humanitatis
refinement (f.)
3rd- i Declension
cultus, cultus
training, education, culture (m.)
4th Declension
propterea quod
for the reason that; because
for that cause, on that account
institutum, instituti
habit, institution, custom (n.)
2nd Declension
Celtae, Celtarum
the Celtae / Celts (m. pl.)**
1st Declension
Aquitani, Aquitorum
the Aquitani (m. pl) 2nd Declension
Belgae, Belgarum
the Belgae / Belgians (m. pl.)**
1st Declension
live, dwell in (+acc.), inhabit
3rd Conjugation
incolo, incolere, incolui, incultum
Galli, Galliorum
the Gauls (people) (m. pl.) 2nd Declension
Gallia, Galliae
Gaul (the place) (f.)
1st Declension