127b - Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Hernia Flashcards
The aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle forms, contributes to, or is otherwise related to all of the following EXCEPT:
- Superficial inguinal ring
- Conjoint tendon
- External spermatic fascia
- Sheath of the rectus abdominus muscle
- Inguinal ligament
b. Conjoint tendon
* Conjoint tendon is formed by the internal oblique and transversus abdominus*
What is the course of a direct inguinal hernia?
- Lateral to the deep inferior epigastric artery
- Through the deep in guinal ring
- Inside a persistent processus vaginalis
- Within the spermatic cord
- Under the conjoint tendon
e. Under the conjoint tendon

The transversalis fasciacontributes to the[layer of covering of the spermatic cord]
The transversalis fasciacontributes to theinternal spermatic fascia (and deep inguinal ring)

Which layer forms the deep inguinal ring? (Aka beginning of the inguinal canal)
Transversalis fascia
The internal oblique contributes to the [layer of covering of the spermatic cord]
The internal oblique contributes to the cremaster muscle

Which structure guides the descent of the testes?
The [layer of the body wall] contributes to the cremaster muscle
The internal oblique muscle contributes to the cremaster muscle
As the testes descends, each layer of the body wall except the _____ contributes to the covering of the spermatic cord
As the testes descends, each layer of the body wall except the transversus abdominus contributes to the covering of the spermatic cord

The external obliquecontributes to the[layer of covering of the spermatic cord]
The external obliquecontributes to theexternal spermatic fascia (and the superficial inquinal ring)

What are the boundaries of the inguinal triangle?
- Lateral edge of the rectus
- Inferior epigastric artery
- Inguinal ligament

The [structure] is the abrupt termination of the posterior rectus sheath
The arcuate line is the abrupt termination of the posterior rectus sheath
Below this line, the rectus abdominus lies directly on transversalis fascia

The splanchnopleure gives rise to the [superficial/deep] body wall
The somatopleure gives rise to the [superficial/deep] body wall
The splanchnopleure gives rise to the deep body wall
The somatopleure gives rise to the superficial body wall
[direct/indirect] hernias project through the inquinal canal and deep ring
Indirect hernias project through the inquinal canal and deep ring

[direct/indirect] hernias are lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
Indirect hernias are lateral to the inferior epigastric artery

Which muscles become the conjoint tendon?
Internal oblique and transversus abdominus
[direct/indirect] hernias are medial to the inferior epigastric artery
Direct hernias are medial to the inferior epigastric artery

The [layer of the body wall] contributes to the external spermatic fascia and superficial inguinal ring
The external oblique contributes to the external spermatic fascia and superficial inguinal ring

How do the upper rectus sheath and the lower rectus sheath differ?
Upper sheath:
- All 3 aponeuroses envelop each rectus muscle
Lower sheath
- All 3 aponeuroses pass anterior to all the muscles
- The posterior sheath terminates abruptly at the arcuate line

The [layer of the body wall] contributes to the internal spermatic fascia and deep inguinal ring
The Transversalis Fascia contributes to the internal spermatic fascia and deep inguinal ring

The transversus abdominis contributes to the [layer of covering of the spermatic cord]
The transversus abdominis contributes to NONE of the layers covering the spermatic cord

What is the deepest layer of the body wall in the abdomen?
Parietal peritoneum
The ventral ramus of [spinal nerve] supplies the body wall at the level of the umbilicus
The ventral ramus of T10 supplies the body wall at the level of the umbilicus
Which abdominal muscles can rotate the trunk ipsilaterally?
Internal oblique (down and out)
In females, the gubernaculum persists as which two structure?
Ovarian ligamnet
Round ligament of the uterus