12.7 Nuclear Radii And Distance of Closest Approach Flashcards
What happens when an alpha particle of electric charge 2e and kinetic energy Ek is directed head on at a nucleus of atomic number z?
The alpha particle will come to rest for an instance a distacen d form the centre of the nucleus where
Ek = k((2e)(Ze))/d —> d = ((2e)(Ze))/Ek and will then be repelled. We see that the kinetic energy of the alpha particle gets transformed entirely to electrical potential energy at the point of closest approach.
How is it possible to obtain estimates of nuclear radii?
By scattering electrons or neutrons from nuclei.
What is the advantages of using electrons?
The strong forces does not act upon them and so they can approach the nucleus very closely.
What is the advantages of using neutrons?
Being neutral they can penetrate deep into matter and get very close to the nucleus.
What does the scattering of electrons and neutrons form nuclei show?
Diffraction minima - that is angles at which the number of scattered particles is small. These angles are given by sin@ = lambda/b where b is the diameter of the nucleus and lambda is the de Broglie wavelength of the scattered particle.