1.2.6 - 1.2.7 Flashcards
Price determination and price mechanism
Equilibrium price
The price at which there is no tendency to change because planned purchases are equal to planned supply
Excess demand
When demand is greater than supply - the market is in disequilibrium
Excess supply
Where supply is greater than demand - the market is in disequilibrium
Free market forces
Forces which act to reduce prices when there is excess supply and raise prices when there is excess demand
Market-clearing price
The price where there is neither excess demand nor excess supply. This will be an equilibrium
Where not enough of a good or service is available at the current price
Incentive function
When changes in price encourage buyers and sellers to change their decisions eg. a rise in price would incentivise sellers to produce more and consumers to produce less
Rationing function
Where limited supply will be allocated to those most willing and able to pay a higher price and where a falling price means those will a lower willingness to pay are now able to buy
Signalling function
When changes in price give information to buyers and sellers which influence their decisions to buy and sell