12.13 - Mass transport in plants Flashcards
What is mass transport?
What theory, tissue and direction do plants have mechanisms for the transport of these:
- Water + inorganic ions
- Sucrose + Amino acids (organic solutes)
The bulk movement of substances from one area of an organism to another at the same/similar rate.
Water + inorganic ions,
theory = cohesion-tension and transpiration
tissue = xylem
direction = upwards, roots to shoots + leaves
Organic solutes
theory = mass-flow hypothesis
tissue = phloem
direction = any direction, from source to sink(s)
Water enters the root hair cells within the epidermis…
What adaptations do root hair cells have?
…by osmosis.
- hair like extensions that increase their surface area to increase the uptake of water and increase the area for channel & carrier proteins
- thin cellulose cell walls so they have a short diffusion distance
1) Root hair cells actively transport ions using energy…
2) From the soil across their membranes into their cytoplasm, via…
3) This lowers the…
4) Water enters the root hair cells by…
5) Water then passes across the cells of the…
6) The xylem vessels transport…
…from the hydrolysis of ATP
…carrier proteins
…water potential of the cytoplasm (of the RHC) compared to the water potential of the soil
…osmosis, down a water potential gradient
…cortex, then across the endodermis then into the xylem vessels
…water + ions up the plant’s stems into the leaves
- Dead cells that form hollow tubes with no cytoplasm or organelles =
- End walls break down so xylem forms a continuous tube w/ no end walls =
- Cell walls are strengthened with lignin =
- xylem pits =
= faster water flow / less resistance / can’t be stopped by organelles
= a continuous column of water can form due to cohesion
= this makes the xylem waterproof + rigid / provides support from tension / enables adhesion of water
= little holes that allow water to move laterally between xylem vessels / get around blocked vessels
How do plants obtain water and inorganic ions? Where does the water go next? Where does the water leave the plant?
What does transpiration involve?
What is meant by transpiration?
Where do xylem transport water from and to?
From the soil via their roots. The water passes from the roots to the stem where it is transported up the plant in xylem vessels to the leaves. Water leaves the plant through stomatal pores by diffusion.
The mass transport of water.
The loss of water from the leaf.
From the roots to the leaves.
1) Stomata open (To enable CO2 to enter leaf for photosynthesis) which causes water to diffuse in from…
2) The loss of water from the air spaces causes water…
3) This lowers the WP of the mesophyll cells, so water moves…
4) This sets up a…
5) Water from the xylem enters the leaf, causing water to be…
6) Water forms a…
7) Water molecules form weak H-bonds between them so…
8) They are also attracted to the walls of the xylem, there are forces of…
9) The pulling force is great and the column of water is under…
10) The movement of water through plant from roots -> leaves is…
1)…the air spaces at a higher WP inside the leaf to a lower WP of the air outside the leaf.
2)…to move down a WP gradient from the mesophyll cells to the air spaces
3)…by osmosis from adjacent mesophyll cells
4)…WP gradient across the leaf to the xylem vessels
5) …pulled up under tension through the xylem from the roots
6)…continuous column in the narrow xylem vessels
7)…they tend to stick together = COHESION
8)…ADHESION between the water and the xylem.
10)..the transpiration stream.
On a hot day, during rapid transpiration, the diameter of a tree trunk will…
…reduce slightly because of the movement of water making the xylem vessels slightly narrower as the xylem experiences negative pressures.
Root pressure exists to push water a short distance up the…
This arises from the movement of water across the…
Which has sufficient pressure to push water up the…
Only effective for a…
…short distance.
Explain how water enters the xylem from the endodermis in the root and is then transported to the leaves. (7)
- Active transport by endodermis
- Of ions into the xylem
- lowers the WP in xylem, water enters xylem by osmosis down a WP gradient
- evaporation / transpiration from leaves
- creates cohesion between water molecules
- adhesion - water molecules bind to xylem
- creating a continuous column of water
Root pressure moves water through the xylem. Describe what causes root pressure. (4)
1) Active transport by endodermis
2) Ions into the xylem
3) Lowers WP in xylem
4) Water enters by osmosis
Describe how high pressure is produced in the leaves (3)
1) WP becomes lower / more negative (as sugar enters)
2) Water enters phloem by osmosis
3) Increased volume of water = increased pressure
High light intensity means…
increased temperature means…
Increased humidity means…
Increasing the wind speed means…
Higher stomatal density (more stomata) means…
1) …more stomata are open, letting more CO2 in for photosynthesis
2) …increased rate of transpiration.
^ temp = ^ KE = ^ rate of diffusion and evaporation of water
3) …decreased rate of transpiration. High humidity in the air means that there is a smaller conc. gradient due to air spaces in the leaf being saturated with water vapour, and air outside the leaf also being more saturated with water vapour due to the high humidity.
4)…increased rate of transpiration. Wind over a leaf moves the water vapour away from the stomatal pores, increasing the WP gradient.
5)…higher rate of transpiration.
Name the factors that affect transpiration.
Light intensity
Air movement / wind speed
Stomatal Density
1) A leafy shoot is diagonally cut under water…
2) Care is taken to prevent getting water on the leaves as..
3) The potometer is filled completely with water to make sure there are no air bubbles to…
4) Using a rubber tube, the leafy shoot is fitted to the potometer under water.
5) The potometer is removed from under the water and all joints are sealed with waterproof jelly…
6) An air bubble is introduced into the capillary tube, as transpiration occurs, water moves through the capillary tube and the bubble of air moves with it…
7) The distance moved over a period of time is recorded and a mean is calculated of a number of repeats to…
8) The volume of water uptake over a period of time can be calculated with…
1)…preventing damage to the xylem (as it ensures a continuous column of water)
2)…water could prevent the loss of water vapour through the stomata.
3+4) Prevent air entering the xylem and ensuring a continuous column of water
5)…to prevent water loss from potometer and prevent air from entering.
6)…to determine the volume of water entering the shoot you use: Lπr^2
7)…determine a reliable mean
8) RATE OF UPTAKE = Lπr^2 / time
UNITS = cm^3min^-1 or dm^3 hour^-1
Name some precautions when setting up the potometer to obtain reliable measurements of water uptake by the plant shoot.
- Ensure joints are sealed / airtight / watertight
- cut shoot under water
- cut shoot at a slant
- dry off leaves
- ensure no air bubbles are present
- shut tap
- note where bubble is at start or move it to start position
What is the limitation of using a potometer?
Plants also use water for:
The volume of water taken up doesn’t always equal volume of water lost through transpiration.
It only measures water uptake through the stem, but doesn’t consider uptake through the roots.
Photosynthesis, storage, support and hydrolysis reactions
1) Phloem tissue transports sucrose and organic substances (e.g AAs) from…
2) Phloem tissue is formed from…
3) What are the most important cell types in phloem?
4) What are sieve tube elements?
5) How are sieve tubes connected to each other by?
6) Companion cells contain many mitochondria…
1) …leaves where are they are formed by photosynthesis to where they are needed e.g shoots, flowers, fruits and roots.
2) …cells arranged in long tubes.
3) Sieve tube elements and companion cells.
4) They are living cells that form the tube for transporting solutes. No nucleus and few organelles.
5) Sieve plates.
6)…to produce ATP through aerobic respiration for the active transport of solutes
- translocation is the movements of…
- it is an energy-requiring process that requires…
- enzymes maintain a concentration gradient from the…
- making sure that there is a lower concentration at the..
- the source for sucrose is the…
-And the sinks are the…
- …solutes to where they are needed in a plant.
-…the hydrolysis of ATP, translocation happens in the phloem.
-…source to the sink by converting the solutes at the sink to other storage substances (e.g starch)
-…sink than at the source
-…leaves where it is made
-…storage organs and the meristems in the roots, stems and leaves
a) Companion cells atively transport sucrose into the…
b) This lowers the WP in the…
c) Water enters the phloem sieve tubes by…
d) This creates a…
a)…sieve tubes of the phloem at the source
b) …sieve tubes
c) …osmosis from the xylem
d)…high hydrostatic pressure inside the sieve tubes at the source end of the phloem.
(2) SINK
- Sucrose is actively transported from the…
- This increases the WP in the…
- This lowers the hydrostatic pressure inside the…
-…phloem sieve tubes into sink cells and converted to starch
-…sieve tubes so water exits the tubes by osmosis
-…sieve tubes.
- This forms a pressure gradient from…
- This gradient pushes solutes towards the…
- When they reach the sink, the solutes will be…
- The higher the conc. of sucrose at the source…
-…the source end to the sink end
-…sink (roots + growing regions)
-…used (respiration) or stored (stored)
-…the higher the rate of translocation.
Describe the mass flow hypothesis for the mechanism of translocation in plants. (5)
1) In source (leaf), sucrose is actively transported into the phloem.
2) By companion cells
3) Lowers the WP of sieve tubes, water enters by osmosis
4) Increase in pressure causes mass movement
5) Sucrose is used in root for respiration OR storage.
Describe the transport of carbohydrates in plants (6)
1) Sucrose actively transported into phloem
2) By companion cells
3) Lowering WP in phloem, water enters from xylem by osmosis
4) Produces higher hydrostatic pressure
5) Mass flow to respiring cells
6) Unloaded from phloem by active transport.
What is the observation?
What is some evidence for the mass flow hypothesis that is supported by this experiment?
What is some evidence against the mass flow hypothesis that is against by this experiment?
If a ring of bark (including phloem and not xylem) is removed from a woody stem, a bulge forms above the ring.
- The fluid from the bulge has a higher conc. of sugars than the fluid from below the bulge as sugars can’t move past the area where the bark has removed = a downward flow of sugars
- Downward flow in phloem in daylight, ceases in shade or night (no photosynthesis needed to make glucose for sucrose)
- Sieve plate function is unclear
-Not all solutes move at the same rate
-Sucrose delivered at more or less same rate to all regions
What do APHIDS do?
How does this provide evidence for the M.F.H?
They pierce the phloem, then their bodies re removed, leaving mouth parts behind - allowing sap to flow out.
The sap flows out quicker nearer the leaves than further down the stem, evidence that there is a pressure gradient.
What do they do?
How does this provide evidence for the M.F.H?
They supply the leaves with radioactive 14C (CO2) which is converted to glucose (photosynthesis) then sucrose.
This allows the radioactive 14C to be tracked through the plant as it is transported throughout the plant.
-Increase in sucrose levels in leaf = increase in phloem later
-Metabolic poison or lack of oxygen inhibit translocation in phloem. Evidence that active transport is involved. (as O needed to make ATP by respiration which is needed for active transport of sucrose)
-Companion cells possess many mitochondria to readily produce ATP.