1204-1403 Flashcards
1204畔paddy ridge
In the bible, King Solomon’s JUDGMENT was admired not by saying to cut the baby in HALF with the SWORD, but that it revealed who the true mother was.
Entering the movie, the dude asks for your #ticket#, so he can tear it in half. He looks at you funny when you hand him a ticket already torn in half. He quietly tears the stub into quarters after you show him your dagger with a smile.
At a mysterious bazaar, you happen to come across something interesting: a rolled-up scroll for only 25¢. You buy it up impulsively until you realize that the powerful spell contained within is cursed by a poisonous snake. If you try to cast this spell, the snake will pop out of nowhere and bite you! Hrmph. No wonder it was so cheap…
the entire sphere of human knowledge is now pent up in the internet… you just have to scroll down to read it!
After your VICTORY cut your enemy’s FLESH into QUARTERs to show your POWER.
according to legend, the great Ogaki wisteria tree grew and flowered from magical rice grains that were planted under the quarter moon
As a prank, a guy sits with his butt flesh on the facsimile machine, inserts a quarter, and tries to fax it to his boss. However the facsimile (an exact copy) machine has pattern recognition technology and instead of an image of his flesh, it just transmits the word “asshole”. Don’t forget it’s flesh, not words, on the left side; the flesh image gets transformed into words.
This one who you can see is currently proposing, says “without you, I am nothing but ONE-SIDED”
1213版printing block
Before the advent of printers in Japan, typewriters couldn’t be built as they were in the west due to how many kanji there are. Lots of small printing blocks had to be used instead. One side of the printing block would have a mirrored (anti) image of the kanji. This is true.
Of all the kanji, this is the only one 之orro can write.
Children in complete destitution have no hope of ever getting toys to play with, so when they find even a tiny drop of a building block they are overjoyed.
Zorro, with a flower between his teeth for the ladies, defends his turf against evildoers. “This is my turf! And this…is for the lady.”
You may play with the primitives of this kanji as you wish (ceiling…person…a drop of), BUT you will probably find that its simplicity, and its frequency, make it easy to remember.
To distinguish between 否 negate, and 不 {不}: Note that negate contains 口, which is a kind of gate.
When you say [いっぱい」 The kanji is 一杯.Just think of Wooden cups being used for drinking, but drinking CUPFULS is Negative as you might get sick.
Zeus ran out of lightning bolts and has to drop darts from the heavens.
The Angel cupid uses darts to rectify people’s love life.-putting something right, correct-
With a banner declaring “Keep Out!” and blow darts to back it up, the Amazon tribe is not that friendly.
I should know. After all, I did graduate from #Dart##mouth#!
Wisdom is knowing everything OVER the sun (fools assume everything UNDER).
The HALBERD’s battle-ax head and long shaft are depicted here. Take care with the number and order of the strokes.
[tender; weakness; gentleness; softness]Love me #tender#,Love me perfect,Never cheat on me.Or I’ll impale you on my Halberd,And hang ya atop a tree…
It is with the halberd he holds that the taskmaster exerts his power over those actually performing the task.
This fog is the perfect weather for us to perform our task undetected.
Am I the only one who took this as penis and balls? In order to be in the man-squad, naturally you need to have two balls with your “spear” in the middle there.
At his HOMECOMING, the man expected to find his wife in an APRON holding a BROOM, but instead she greeted him at the door with a SPEAR.
This character pictures the bent wooden BOW. Later we will learn how to make the BOWSTRING that goes with it. If you stretch this character out and see the indentation on the left as its handle, the pictography should be clearer.
Put a WALKING STICK in the BOW and PULL it back, ready to fire at the geezer.
Send your condolences to the old geezer whom you shot the walking stick into with your bow.
If you pull the bow back with your elbow, you can shoot a vast distance.
An insect who can fly vast distances is strong.
Two weak archers agree on a duel to the death. They constantly shoot at each other but never manage to hit their target. But what they lack in skill they make up in determination, and they keep shooting for hours, and days, and months, until it’s wintertime and their bows are coated in ice.
You see the DOLLAR SIGN popping up on the register after buying a few WATER bottles, and feel yourself SEETHING of anger over those crazy prices. (of a liquid) bubble up as a result of being boiled.
An expense is an expense, whether you put it in dollars or in local money.
The No.1 currency may at one time have been the DOLLAR, but since the economic slowdown the weak DOLLAR has been overtaken by currencies from BAMBOO growing countries.
1240弟younger brother
YOUNGER BROTHERS are always more prone to mischief. Mine, you can almost see the little HORNS on him and the DOLLAR SIGN on his eyes when he comes up with a money-making scheme.
Adroit: dextrous, deft, skillful. Snare is a little generic so I’ll use BEAR TRAP, with huge teeth cartoon style that snares you around the ankle. In the crafting of a bear trap, one must be particularly adroit. Otherwise they will become the victim of their down device.
My nickname is “No Lips”. Yep, I shouldn’t have put my mouth on that bear trap…
This animal hanging from a SNARE hooked up in a TREE is now slowly DECAYING, as the owner of the SNARE is nowhere to be seen.
The hunter’s #boast#: I say, it was a “big one”, but the snare broke and it got away. (credit to many others before)
A hunter Washes, with WATER, his TWO SNAREs, because they are DIRTY.
In The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, one of the first weapons bestowed on Link was the slingshot.
A crown was bestowed to the British royalty museum, but it was only a copy.
The key word SOMEBODY was chosen to convey the double meaning of this kanji; body and person. Its composition is based on the nose ‘which, you will recall, is also the kanji for oneself). The extension of the bottom and far right strokes of that element, together with the unusual diagonal stroke, forms the pictograph of somebody with a prominent paunch.
The famous speech by the man that Dick Cheney shot in the face: “I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused the Vice President”
1251老old man
the dirty old man had a stroke so now he must be spoon fed.
Before shooting an old man with a slingshot, one shold carefully consider the possible consequences.
1253孝filial piety
This child has taken filial piety to the next level. He is actually carrying the old man on his shoulders.
In early Japan, filial piety was the cornerstone of education, and harsh taskmasters were employed to teach it.
In Torture 101 class they teach you to Consider the Fingers as the first part to inflict pain to. Then you can move on to other parts (like feet, groin, head, etc. etc. ; ) )
An old man is someone who has seen many days.
I had a hard time with the next several frame numbers trying to use “puppet.” So i thought of “voodoo doll” but then found “love doll” (which is just a special type of puppet) fit well with these 8 frames. Observe: Here I am BOILING my love doll over the FLAMES to warm her up a bit…
Here I am, putting a wreath of flowers on my love doll’s head and pretending she is someone of great renowned
Before giving your SIGNATURE to accept the LOVEDOLL, you should EYE over the LOVEDOLL for any damages, then give your SIGNATURE.
-hot and humid-Ahh, a fine sultry day with my love doll under the hot sun. I think she’s getting a tan!
When you pull the string at the back of Chucky, he will SAY VARIOUS things. “Hidey-ho! Ha ha ha!” “Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play?” “I’m going to eat your liver, bitch!”.
My love doll is made of special pheremone impregnated vinyl. Unfortunately, a pack of wild dogs mistook her for a wild boar and tore her to pieces. Oh dear!
-the strand referred to here is the stretch of land along a beach or shoreline.-A lovely romantic walk on the STRANDED, splashing in the WATER with my LOVE DOLL.
When we gamble at the shell game, I always win against my love doll
-a narrow valley btween hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it.- A GORGE is where God has cut into a MOUNTAIN with a pair of SCISSORS.
This DOG-saloon soon gets CRAMPED when a PACK OF WILD DOGS runs in for a cut with the dresser’s SCISSORS.
挟まる 【はさまる】 (v5r,vi) to get between; to be caught in; (P) Story: You know how in tokyo there are those really packed trains where train staff in gloves shove people in? Well imagine being sandwiched in so tight, that when the doors close, only your FINGERS are sticking out. The train staff have no choice… they must cut them off with SCISSORS =( snip snip..
Maestro, coattails flapping wildly, is being #chase#d down the road by his fans.
Maestro is such as expert, he can conduct even with a towel hanging from the ceiling in front of him.
The COMMANDER is a military MAESTRO who never throws in the TOWEL.
No one likes classical music anymore. Our MAESTRO is here at HOME without his baton sighing sadly before he heads off for another day as his new job as a BUREAUCRAT.
COFFINS are made of WOOD, even a COFFIN for a BUREAUCRACY. We are all the same in death.
After the negotiations, even the bureaucrats are told by the diplomats to smoke the bamboo peace pipe.
The kindness and hard work of the ideal FATHER is seen in this abbreviation of the TASKMASTER that leaves off his rod or whip (the first stroke) and replaces it with the sweat of the FATHER’s BROW (two drops at the top)
The FATHER of a poor family puts on his finest TOP HAT and tries to MINGLE with the aristocrats (highest class in certain societies)
Once again Heisig makes a keyword that doesn’t make much sense. The real meaning is #effect#/#efficacy# (take your pick). My dad tried out both wearing a top hat and doing some body-building for his muscles to see which was more efficacious .
Even the CARS of those who MINGLE (the rich and the famous) stands in CONTRAST to normal peoples’ cars.
The schools that accepted them were posted on a TREE, the students MINGLED around trying to find their names.(コオ)
Captain Ahab lost his leg to the great white whale’s mouth and had to mend it with a peg leg.
You stimulate a person by giving him a kickraise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
As a pirate with WOODEN LEGS, being able to take a GIGANTIC step to travel LONG-DISTANCES.
When pirates try to hide, it’s always easy to find them. Their wooden legs leave distinctive prints, showing where each is hiding and the exact path he took.
after the rain the path was covered with dew