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> 1.2 Understand and Apply Security Concepts > Flashcards
1.2 Understand and Apply Security Concepts Flashcards
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(126 decks)
1.1 Understand, Adhere, and Promote Professional Ethics
1.2 Understand and Apply Security Concepts
1-4.3 Privacy Principles
1-4.4 Cybercrime and Data Breaches
1-5.1 Investigation Objectives and Requirements
1-6.1 Governance Documents
1-7.1 Business Continuity Planning
1-7.2 Business Impact Analysis
1-8.1 Workplace Lifecycle Security
1-8.2 Workforce and Third-Party Policies and Agreements
1-9.1 Risk Basics
1-9.2 Risk Assessment
1-9.3 Risk Analysis
1-9.4 Risk Response and Treatment
1-9.5 Risk Mitigation Controls
1-9.6 Monitoring, Reporting, and Maturity
1-10.1 Threat Actors and Attributes
1-10.2 Attack Vectors - Digital Infrastructure
1-10.3 Attack Vectors - People
1-10.3 Attack Vectors - Code
1-10.5 Threat Modeling and Intelligence
1-11.1 Supply Chain Relationships and Risks
1-11.2 Supply Chain Risk Management and Mitigation
1-12.1 SETA Principles and Practices
1-12.2 Emerging SETA Trends
2-13.1 Asset Classification
2-14.1 Asset Handling Requirements
2-15.1 Asset Management
2-16.1 Manage Data Lifecycle
2-16.2 Data Collection, Retention, and Archiving
2-16.3 Data Deletion and Destruction
2-17.1 Asset Retention and Retirement
2-18.1 Control Baselines
2-18.2 Data Protection Methods
3-19.1 Secure Design Principles
3-19.2 Trust and Secure Access Service Edge
1-20.1 Information Security Models
3-21.1 Security Evaluation Criteria
3-22.1 Trusted Computing Base
3-23.1 Client, Server, and Distributed Computing
3-23.1 Databases and Database Management Systems
3-23.3 Operation Technology
3-23.4 Cloud-based Systems
3-23.5 Internet of Things and IIoT
3-23.6 Virtualization
3-23.7 Automation and Solution Elements
3-24.1 Cryptography Primer
3-24.2 Encryption
3-24.3 Hashing and Digital Signatures
3-24.4 PKI and Digital Certificates
3-24.5 Emerging Cryptography
3-25.1 Cryptographic Attacks
3-25.2 Post-Exploitation Attacks
3-25.3 Ransomware
3-26.1 Physical Security Principles
3-27.1 Site and Building Controls
3-27.2 Environmental Impact
3-28.1 Information System Lifecycle
4-29.1 Network Models
4-29.2 Internet Protocol
4-29.3 Secure Protocols
4-29.4 Multilayer and Converged Protocols
4-29.5 Transport Architecture
4-29.6 Segmentation
4-29.7 Microsegmentation
4-29.8 Wireless Architecture
4-29.9 Wi-Fi Networks
4-29.10 Virtual Private Cloud
4-29.11 Continuous Monitoring
4-30.1 Transmission Media
4-30.2 Network Access Control
4-30.3 Endpoint Security
4-31.1 Voice, Video, and Collaboration (CDN)
4.31.2 Secure Remote Access Communications
5-32.1 Access Control Fundamentals
5-33.1 Identify Management
5-33.2 Authentication and Credential Management
5-33.3 Biometric Authentication
5-34.1 Federated Identity Management
5-35.1 Authorization and Access Controls
5-36.1 Identity and Access Management
5-37.1 Implementing Authentication
5-37.2 Authentication and Access Control Attacks
6-38.1 Assessment and Audit Strategies
6-38.2 Planning Engagements
6-39.1 Vulnerability Testing and Assessment
6-39.2 Penetration Testing and Attack Simulations
6-39.3 Code and Interface Testing
6-40.1 Operational and Management Metrics
6-40.2 SETA Measures and Metrics
6-41.1 Response and Disclosure
6-42.1 Security Auditing
7-43.1 Evidence Handling
7-43.2 Forensic Examination
7-44.1 Conduct Logging and Monitoring Activities
7-44.2 Log Analysis, Detection, and Response Tools
7-45.1 Configuration Management
7-46.1 Security Operations
7-47.1 Media Management
7-47.2 Mobile Device Management
7-48.1 Incident Management
7-48.2 Incident Response
7-49.1 Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
7-49.2 Web Filtering & Sandboxing
7-49.3 Malware
7-49.4 Honeypots
7-49.5 Artificial Intelligence
7-50.1 Vulnerability and Patch Management
7-51.1 Change Management
7-52.1 Backup and Recovery
7-52.2 Resiliency Strategies
7-53.1 Disaster Response and Recovery
7-54.1 DRP Training, Testing, and Communications
7-55.1 Business Continuity Integration
7-56.1 SOC Security
7-57.1 Workplace Safety
8-58.1 Software Developement Lifecycle
8-58.2 Software Development Collaboration and Maturity Models
8-59.1 Development Ecosystem
8-59.2 Secure Staging
8-59.3 Application Security Testing
8-60.1 Software Security Assessment
8-61.1 Software Procurement and Acquisition
8-62.1 Source Code Vulnerabilities
8-62.2 Input and Output Validation
8-62.3 Secure Coding Practices