1.2 - Soul, Mind and Body Flashcards
What is the soul?
-seen differently by people, soul and mind interchange
-used to refer to self or essential part of a person
-religious believers see it as most important part of you
-non physical, capable of independence from body
Plato’s ideas of soul, mind and body
-dualist understanding of the soul/body, separate entities
-thought soul left body post death and go to form world
-demands of body can impede souls progress
-life and death part of endless chain where souls reborn
Plato’s tripartite view
-soul made of 3 parts, reason, appetite, emotion
-analogy of 2 horses pulling a chariot
-reason controls chariot pulled by appetite and emotion
Substance Dualism
-the view that the mind and body are distinct substances with distinct sets of properties
-body = material, properties of extension
-mind/soul = immaterial properties of thought + emotion
Property Dualism
-the view that there is only one kind of substance, matter
-matter has two properties, physical and mental
Dualist criticisms
-our personal experience doesn’t support dualism, we feel ourselves to be united rather than separate
-doesn’t explain how mind + body work together
-how do we know others have minds if they are separate from the body
Aristotle’s ideas of soul, mind and body
-he thought the soul was a substance, essence/real thing
-physical body in constant state of change but substance remains the same
-the soul is that which gives a living thing its essence
-includes the matter a of the body along with its functions
Emergent Materialism
-the view that new properties emerge from physical matter as it becomes more complete
-the mind and body are different but not completely distinct
Reductive Materialism
-the mind is identical with the body
-mental states (memory,fear,guilt) due to brain activity
-chemical reactions are the same thing as mental events
-materialism doesnt allow for life after death
Materialist Criticisms
-the way we use language suggests we are more than a body
-materialism doesn’t explain how a chemical reaction causes mental events
Aristotle’s various types of soul
-plants have a vegetative soul, no ability to reason
-animals have perceptive souls, can experience the world around them, differentiate between pleasure and pain
-humans highest degree of soul, can reason, tell right from wrong
Descartes views
-wanted certainty about philosophy like maths/science
-earth is not uniquely special just part of a whole universe
-all matter in the universe was essentially the same
Descartes hyperbolic doubt
-a period of research where he doubted everything
-he decided he couldn’t trust his senses to be truthful
-he decided he couldn’t be sure if maths was correct
-decided he was only sure that he exists + he could think
-‘cogito ergo sum’ ‘i think therefore i am’
Descartes dualism
-thought of a human as being made of mind and body
-they couldn’t be same thing due to different properties
-the body is made of different parts but mind cant be
-thought the pineal gland connected soul and body
Gilbert Ryle’s views
-criticised the notion that the mind and body are separate
-made fun of descartes beliefs saying a separate mind and body is like a ‘ghost in the machine’
-mind and body distinction is a category mistake, not in same logical category so cant be two different things of a similar logical kind
Ryle’s cricket match analogy
-someone watches a cricket match, sees the tactics and players but asks where the team spirit is
-this suggests the team spirit is a separate thing whereas its simply the way players interact with eachother
-in the same way the mind should not be considered to be something separate and extra
Dawkins materialist views
-no part of a person is non physical, only matter exists
-rules out any possibility of consciousness after death
-consciousness cannot be separated from the brain
Dawkins ‘survival machines’ theory
-dismisses the idea that we have any kind of soul
-humans are the vehicles of genes, only interested in replicating themselves to survive to next generation
-knew genes could not actually think this, just an analogy
-human beings are simply a mixture of chemicals
Dawkins soul one and soul two views
-two different ways of understanding the soul
-soul one is the viewpoint which claims the soul is a supernatural part of a person capable of surviving death
-soul two (dawkins belief) refers to someones personality and individuality, they have a life and make choices
Antony Flew’s views
-the talk of the soul living on after death is nonsensical
-speaking of someones mind or personality as substance is misuse of the term
-mind or personality is simply the behaviour of a person