1.2 qualitative/quantitative data Flashcards
qualitative data
classify individuals into categories (i.e. gender, color of a car)
quantitative data
tell how much or how many of something there is (i.e. age, mileage of a car, ticket sales, release year, running time of movies)
what two ways can qualitative data be divided?
Ordinal and nominal
ordinal variables
have a natural ordering (i.e. small, medium, large drink,, letter grade in a class like A,B,C,D,F, movie title)
nominal variables
do not have a natural ordering (i.e. state of residence, gender, genre of movies)
what two ways can quantitative data be divided?
discrete and continuous
discrete variables
possible values can be listed (i.e. number of siblings someones has, age) cant change immediately unlike continuous
continuous variables
can take on any value in some interval (i.e. height, distance a person commutes to work)