1.2: Present Simple & Continuous Flashcards
What is a tense?
The ‘grammatical’ expression fo a particular time.
These following tense constructions could be used when talking about the…
* I saw a yellow submarine two months ago. (past tense)
* I’ve seen a yellow submarine many times. (present
perfect tense)
* I had seen a yellow submarine by the age of 6. (past
perfect tense)
When talking about past time…
What is form?
Th eparticular way in which a tense is represented. And is either the simple or continuous form.
What are the 6 different Enbglish tenses? (From past to future!)
Past perfect
Present perfect
Future present
Every tense has which (forms)?
A simple and continuous form
Present simple: Habitual present (use, ex. + markers)
- Habitual present
Things that happen regularly, routines and habits.
Markers: Always, never, usually, often, sometimes, every…
- I usually HAVE dinner at eight (routine)
- I DON’T smoke (habit)
Present simple: Historic present, use, ex.
- Historic present
Used for vivid storytelling
- So Superman WALKS into a store and SAYS to the lady behind
the counter …
- All of a sudden, I HEAR something fall and IT IS my vase!
Present simple: The neutral present, use, ex.
- The neutral present
Genral truths and facts
- The sun RISES in the east
- These bags COST €15 euros each
Introducing thoughts and statements
- I THINK J.K. Rowling is a brilliant writer.
- That SEEMS to be a great idea!
Present simple: Future present simple, use, ex.
- Future present
Used for fixed items such as timetables, schedules, etc.
- The train ARRIVES at 5.33 pm.
- Classes START at 8 am.
Name the types of present tense/form name in the following sentences:
1. I don’t smoke
2. The train arrives at 5.33 pm
3. I often go to the movies these days
4. The sun rises in the east.
5. I work in London
6. I was walking home from work
yesterday. All of a sudden my phone
rings and it is my ex
- Habitual present - habit
- Future present - fixed timetable
- Habitual present - regularly
- Neutral present - general truth /
fact - Neutral present - general truth /
fact - Historic present - vivid storytelling
How is a present simple made?
I/you/we/they: work = full verb
she/he/it: works = full verb + s
Present simple: Questions, negatives
Affirmative: I am
Questions: Am I (Inversion takes place)
Negatives: I am not (+not to form of ‘to be’)
Present simple: Affirmative, questions, negatives (Verb used?)
I go - Do I go - I do not/don’t go
To form questions, the auxiliary verb “do” is used.
For negatives, “do not” is added
Present simple: Spelling rules
Ending in consonant +y? = remove the y and +ies
- I fly, he FLIES
Go/do? +es
- I go, it GOES
Ending in hissing sound? +es
- I kiss, she KISSES
Present continuous: The actual present. (use, ex. + markers)
- The actual present
An action which is going on at or around the moment of
- I’m studying for my Grammar class right now. (Indication of now)
- I am taking yoga classes. (currently going on)
Present continuous: The habitual present (use + ex., markers)
- Habitual present
Frequent actions that are annoying (a source of irritation), surprising, or strange
- My sister is always nagging!
- They are constantly talking!
Markers: Always, constantly
Present continuous: The future present (use + ex, markers)
When definite arrangements have been made for the near future.
* I’m having a party this Saturday.
* I am travelling to New York in October.
Markers: Always followed by an indication of future time (such as a day of the week, month, time etc.)
Think of the use of the present continuous in the following sentences:
1. I’m breathing right now
2. George is flying to New York tonight
3. Peter is always pulling my hair!
4. I’m doing a theology course
- Actual present going on at the
moment of speaking - Future present definitive arrangement in the near future
- Habitual present source of irritation
- Actual present going on around the moment of speaking
How is the present contiuous made? (ex.)
A form of auxiliary verb ‘to be’ + full verb + ing
- I am verbing
- You/we/they are always pulling my hair!
Present continuous: Spelling
- One vowel in stressed syllable?
EX: Tap, forget
If there is a singular vowel in a stressed syllable, the consonant is doubled.
- Tap becomes tapping instead of taping
- Forget becomes forgetting instead forgeting
When is a consonant of a word that contains one vowel in a stressed syllable not doubled?
EX: Look, conquer
If the syllable contains two vowels
- Look should be looking, not lookking
When the stress is not on the last syllable
- Conquer should be conquering, not conquerring
Present continuous: Spelling
- Verb ending with silent e?
EX: Waste, become
If a verb ends with a silent e, the e must be dropped.
So waste, becomes wating instead of wasteing.
And become turns to becoming instead of becomeing.
Present continuous: How are affirmatives, questions and negatives made?
EX: waiting
Affirmative: ‘to be’ + full verb + ing
- I am (aux) waiting
Questions: Inversion takes place
- Am (auxiliary) I waiting
Negatives: Add not to the form of ‘to be’
- I am not waiting