12 Main Meridians Flashcards
Lung Alarm Pt
LU-1 Lateral aspect of chest in 1st intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the midline and 1 cun below the clavicle
Lung Associated Pt
BL-13 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the SP of the 3rd thoracic vertebra
Lung Entry Pt
LU-1 Lateral aspect of chest in 1st intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to midline and 1 cun below the clavicle
Lung Exit Pt
LU-7 On Radial side of forearm on the radius, 1.5 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist. *Between the two tendons
Lung Tonification Pt
LU-9 On the radial side of the wrist crease, lateral to the radial artery
Lung Sedation Pt
LU-5 At the elbow crease, lateral to biceps tendon.
Lung Horary Pt
LU-8 On the radial side of the forearm on the border of the radius, 1.5 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist between the two tendons. (Point where lung “splits” to join LI)
Lung Accumulation Pt
LU-6 On the radial aspect of the forearm, 7 cun proximal to the wrist joint crease, on the connection line between LU-5 and LU-9
Lung Source Pt
LU-9 On the radial side of the wrist crease, lateral to the radial artery
Lung Luo Point
LU-7 On the radial side of the forearm on the radius, 1.5 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist. *Between the two tendons.
How many points on the Lung Meridian?
What Meridian is pictured?

Lung Meridian
Lung Meridian Time
Lung Meridian element
Large Intestine Alarm pt
ST-25 2 cun lateral to navel
Large Intestine Associated Pt
BL-25 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the SP of the 4th lumbar vertebra
Large Intestine Entry Pt
LI-4 At the highest pt of the adductor pollicis muscle with the thumb and index finger adducted
Large Intestine Exit Pt
LI-20 In the nasiolabial groove, at the level of the midpoint of the lateral border of ala nasi
Large Intestine Tonification Pt
LI-11 On the end of the lateral transverse elbow crease, when forearm is flexed at a right angle to the upper arm.
Large Intestine Sedation Pt
LI-2 and 3 LI-2 - on the radial side of the index finger, distal to the MCP joint, at the junction of the red and white skin. This point is located with the finger slightly flexed. LI-3 - On the radial side of the index finger, , in a depression proximal to the head of the 2nd metacarpal bone.
Large Intestine Horary Pt
LI-1 On the radial side of the index finger, 1/10 cun posterior to the corner of the nail (Akabane test pt)
Large Intestine Accumulation Pt
LI-7 On the radial and dorsal side of the forearm, on the line connecting the points LI-5 and LI-11; 5 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist from LI-5
Large Intestine Source Pt
LI-4 At the highest point of the adductor pollicis muscle with the thumb and index finger adducted
Large Intestine Luo Pt
LI-6 On the radial and dorsal side of the forearm, 3 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist, from LI-5
How many points on the Large Intestine Meridian
What Meridian is pictured?

Large Intestine Meridian
Large Intestine Meridian Time?
Large Intestine Meridian element
Stomach Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-12 On the midline, midway between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the navel, 4 cun above the navel.
Stomach Meridian Associated Pt
BL-21 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra
Stomach Meridian Entry Point
ST-1 Directly below the middle of the eyeball, just above the lower border of the orbit
Stomach Meridian Exit Pt
ST-42 On the dorsum of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, proximal to their base.
Stomach Meridian Tonification Pt
ST-41 In the middle of the two malleoli on the ankle joint. The point is located between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor hallicus longus.
Stomach Meridian Sedation Pt
ST-45 On the lateral side of the tip of the 2nd toe, 2mm proximal to the corner of the nail.
Stomach Meridian Horary Pt
ST-36 One fingerbreadth lateral to the lower border of the tuberosity of the tibia, 3 cun lateral below the knee joint.
Stomach Meridian Accumulation Pt
ST-34 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella
Stomach Meridian Source Pt
ST-42 On the dorsum of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, proximal to their base.
Stomach Meridian Luo Pt
ST-40 One finger breadth lateral to ST-38, 2 cun lateral to the border of the tibia, 5 cun below ST-36
How many points are on the Stomach Meridian?
What Meridian is pictured?

Stomach Meridian Time
Stomach Meridian element
Spleen Meridian Alarm Pt
LV-13 On the free end of the 11th rib.
Spleen Meridian Associated Pt
BL-20 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra
Spleen Meridian Entry Pt
SP-1 On the medial side of the great toe, 3mm proximal to the corner of the nail.
Spleen Meridian Exit Pt
SP-21 On the midaxillary line, in the 6th intercostal space.
Spleen Meridian Tonification Pt
SP-2 On the medial side of the great toe, distal to the 1st MTP joint, at the junction of the dorsum and the sole of the foot.
Spleen Meridian Sedation Pt
SP-5 At the point of intersection of the two lines drawn tangential to the anterior and inferior sides of the medial malleolus
Spleen Meridian Horary Pt
SP-3 On the medial side of the foot, proximal to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone
Spleen Meridian Accumulation Pt
SP-8 On the medial side of the leg, 3 cun below the medial condyle, on the posterior border of the tibia.
Spleen Meridian Source Pt
SP-3 On the medial side of the foot, proximal to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone.
Spleen Meridian Luo Pt
SP-4 On the medial side of the foot, in the depression distal to the base of the 1st metatarsal bone.
How many points are on the Spleen Meridian?
What Meridian is pictured?

Spleen Meridian Time?
Spleen Meridian element?
Heart Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-14 On the midline, 6 cun above the navel.
Heart Meridian Associated Pt
BL-15 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra
Heart Meridian Entry Pt
HT-1 In the middle of the axilla, medial to the axillary artery
Heart Meridian Exit Point
HT-9 On the radial side of the tip of the little finger, 2mm proximal to the corner of the nail
Heart Meridian Tonification Pt
HT-9 On the radial side of the tip of the little finger, 2mm proximal to the corner of the nail.
Heart Meridian Sedation Pt
HT-7 On the transverse crease of the wrist, radial to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris
Heart Meridian Horary Pt
HT-8 On the palm between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. When the fist is clenched, the point is located between the tips of the ring and little finger
Heart Meridian Accumulation Pt
HT-6 0.5 cun proximal to HT-7
Heart Meridian Source Pt
HT-7 On the transverse crease of the wrist, radial to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris.
Heart Meridian Luo Pt
HT-5 1 cun proximal to HT-7, radial to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris
How many points on the Heart Meridian?
What Meridian is pictured?

Heart Meridian time
Heart Meridian element?
Small Intestine Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-4 On the midline, 2 cun above CV-2; 3 cun below the navel
Small Intestine Meridian Associated Pt
BL-27 1.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of the 1st posterior sacral foramen
Small Intestine Meridian Entry Pt
SI-1 On the ulnar side of the little finger, 2mm proximal to the nail corner
Small Intestine Meridian Exit Pt
SI-19 With the mouth opened, slightly anterior to the tragus.
Small Intestine Meridian Tonification Pt
SI-3 On the ulnar border of the hand with the fist clenched, at the ulnar end of the main transverse crease of the palm
Small Intestine Meridian Sedation Pt
SI-8 With the elbow flexed, between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus
Small Intestine Meridian Horary Pt
SI-5 On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetrum
Small Intestine Meridian Accumulation Pt
SI-6 In the depression on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna. In supination or pronation a cleft, radial to the styloid process, is palpable
Small Intestine Meridian Source Pt
SI-4 On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between base of the 5th metacarpal bone and triquetrum
Small Intestine Meridian Luo Pt
SI-7 On the ulnar side of the forearm, 5 cun proximal to the wrist
How many points are on the Small Intestine Meridian?
What Meridian is pictured?

Small Intestine
Small Intestine Meridian Time
Small Intestine Meridian element
Bladder Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-3 On the midline, 1 cun above the pubic symphysis, 5 cun below the navel
Bladder Meridian Associated Pt
BL-28 1.5 cun lateral to midline, at the level of the 2nd posterior sacral foramen
Bladder Meridian Entry Pt
BL-1 1/10 cun medial to and above the inner canthus of the eye
Bladder Meridian Exit Pt
BL-67 On the lateral side of the tip of the little toe, about 1/10 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Bladder Meridian Tonification Pt
BL-67 On the lateral side of the tip of the little toe, about 1/10 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Bladder Meridian Sedation Pt
BL-65 On the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot, posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin
Bladder Meridian Horary Pt
BL-66 In the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th MTP joint.
Bladder Meridian Accumulation Pt
BL-63 Anterior and inferior to BL-62, in the depression lateral to the cuboid bone.
Bladder Meridian Source Pt
BL-64 On the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot, below the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin
Bladder Meridian Luo Pt
BL-58 About 1 cun inferior and lateral to BL-57, on the posterior border of the fibula
How many points are on the Bladder Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Bladder Meridian time
Bladder Meridian element
Kidney Meridian Alarm Pt
GB-25 At the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib
Kidney Meridian Associated Pt
BL-23 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Kidney Meridian Entry Pt
KI-1 On the sole of the foot, at the border between the anterior and middle thirds of the foot, proximal to the 2nd and 3rd MTP joints.
Kidney Meridian Exit Pt
KI-22 In the 5th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to midline
Kidney Meridian Tonification Pt
KI-7 On the anterior border of the Achilles tendon, 2 cun above the medial malleolus.
Kidney Meridian Sedation Pt
KI-1 or KI-2 (KI-1) On the sole of the foot, at the border between the anterior and middle thirds of the foot, proximal to the 2nd and 3rd MTP joint. (KI-2) Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in the depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone
Kidney Meridian Horary Pt
KI-10 On the medial side of the popliteal crease, on level with BL-54, between the tendons of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus when the knee is flexed
Kidney Meridian Accumulation Pt
KI-5 1 cun directly below KI-3, in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneus bone.
Kidney Meridian Source Pt
KI-3 Midway between the most prominent point on the medial malleolus and the superior border of the Achilles tendon
Kidney Meridian Luo Pt
KI-4 Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression medial to the attachment of the Achilles tendon
How many points are on the Kidney Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Kidney Meridian time
Kidney Meridian element
Pericardium Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-17 IN the midline of the sternum, between the nipples, on line with the 4th intercostal space
Pericardium Meridian Associated Pt
BL-14 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra
Pericardium Meridian Entry Pt
PC-1 1 cun lateral to the nipple, in the 4th intercostal space
Pericardium Meridian Exit Pt
PC-8 On the palm of the hand, between the tips of the middle and ring fingers when they are flexed
Pericardium Meridian Tonification Pt
PC-9 At the midpoint of the tip of the middle finger, or medial corner of the middle finger
Pericardium Meridian Sedation Pt
PC-7 On the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the Palmaris Longus and Flexor Carpi Radialis
Pericardium Meridian Horary Pt
PC-8 On the palm of the hand between the tips of the middle and ring fingers when they are flexed
Pericardium Meridian Accumulation Pt
PC-4 Between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis, 5 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist
Pericardium Meridian Source Pt
PC-7 On the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
Pericardium Meridian Luo Pt
PC-6 Between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis, 2 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist
How many points are on the Pericardium Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Pericardium Meridian time
Pericardium Meridian element
Triple Warmer Meridian Alarm Pt
CV-5, CV-7, CV-12, CV-17 (CV-5) On the midline, 2 cen below the navel (CV-7) 1 cun below the navel (CV-12) Halfway between the xyphoid process and navel (CV-17) Midway between the nipples in the 4th intercostal space
Triple Warmer Meridian Associated Pt
BL-22 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra
Triple Warmer Meridian Entry Pt
TW-1 On the lateral side of the ring finger, about 1/10 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Triple Warmer Meridian Exit Pt
TW-22 In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow
Triple Warmer Meridian Tonificaiton Pt
TW-3 On the dorsum of the hand, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, proximal to the MCP joint
Triple Warmer Meridian Sedation Pt
TW-10 When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon
Triple Warmer Meridian Horary Pt
TW-6 At the mid point between the ulna and radius, 3 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist
Triple Warmer Meridian Accumulation Pt
TW-7 3 cun proximal to the wrist crease, about 1 finger breadth lateral to TW-6 on the radial side of the ulna
Triple Warmer Meridian Source Pt
TW-4 Radial to the tendon of the extensor digitorum communis, on the dorsal side of the wrist, directly above the joint cleft
Triple Warmer Meridian Luo Pt
TW-5 At the midpoint between the ulna and radius, 2 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist
How many points are on the Triple Warmer Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Triple Warmer
Triple Warmer Meridian time
Triple Warmer Meridian element
Gall Bladder Meridian Alarm Pt
GB-24 On the mamillary line in the 7th intercostal splace.
Gall Bladder Meridian Associated Pt
BL-19 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T10.
Gall Bladder Meridian Entry Pt
GB-1 1/2 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye.
Gall Bladder Meridian Exit Pt
GB-41 distal to the base of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones.
Gall Bladder Meridian Tonification Pt
GB-43 Between the 4th and 5th toes, proximal to the margin of the web.
Gall Bladder Meridian Sedation Pt
GB-38 4 cun above and slightly anterior to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula, between the extensor digitorum longus and fibularis brevis.
Gall Bladder Meridian Horary Pt
GB-41 In the depression distal to the base of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of the extensor digiti minimi of the foot.
Gall Bladder Meridian Accumulation Pt
GB-36 On the anterior border of the fibular, 7 cun above the lateral malleolus.
Gall Bladder Meridian Source Pt
GB-40 Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus, at the intersection of the line drawn from the anterior and inferior lateral malleolus.
Gall Bladder Meridian Luo Pt
GB-37 On the anterior side of the fibular, 5 cun bove the lateral malleolus
How many points are on the Gall Bladder Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Gall Bladder
Gall Bladder Meridian time
Gall Bladder Meridian element
Liver Meridian Alarm Pt
LV-14 On the mammillary line, two ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space.
Liver Meridian Associated Pt
BL-18 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T9.
Liver Meridian Entry Pt
LV-1 On the lateral corner of the nail of the great toe.
Liver Meridian Exit Pt
LV-14 On the mammillary line, two ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space.
Liver Meridian Tonification Pt
LV-8 At the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, at the anterior border of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus.
Liver Meridian Sedation Pt
LV-2 On the margin of the web between the 1st and 2nd toe.
Liver Meridian Horary Pt
LV-1 On the lateral corner of the nail of the great toe.
Liver Meridian Accumulation Pt
LV-6 On the poster border of the tibia, 7 cun aboce the medial malleolus.
Liver Meridian Source Pt
LV-3 Between the 1st and 2nd metatasal bones, 2 cun proximal to the margin of the web.
Liver Meridian Luo Pt
LV-5 On the medial border of the tibia, 5 cun above the medial malleolus.
How many points are on the Liver Meridian?
What meridian is pictured?

Liver Meridian time
Liver Meridian element