12. Lymphocyte signalling 4: signal transduction Flashcards
What type of signalling is Ras?
MAP kinase cascade
What happens once Ras is activated?
- Ras is activated by a GEF like RasGRP.
- This allows Ras to cause a conformational change in Raf so it can autophosphorylate to activate.
- Raf is a MAPKKK
- Raf phosphorylates Mek which is a MAPKK.
- MEK phosphorylates Erk which is a MAPK.
- Erk generates the active transcription factor fos/jun.
What different serine threonine kinases are in MAP kinase pathways?
- MAP kinase
- MAP kinase kinase
- MAP kinase kinase kinase
What is a MAP kinase cascade?
A sequence of phosphorylation events of kinases that is triggered by a conformational change and cause a change in transcription.
What is the transcription factor that results from Ras signalling?
Jun and fos form that active dimer AP-1 that can bind promoters.
What are the 3 main MAP kinase pathways in every cell?
- Ras pathway ending with Erk
- Stress-activated MAPK pathway ending in a JNK kinase.
- TNF activated MAPK pathway ending in p38.
What is the common principle of all MAP kinase pathways?
A small GTPase activates a series of MAP kinases which causes a change in transcription.
What is the whole process from TCR signalling to Ras activation and transcriptional change?
- Lck phosphorylates ITAMs that recruits ZAP70
- ZAP70 phosphorylates the adaptor protein LAT
- LAT recruits SLP76 through phos tyrosines and SH2 domain binding
- SLP76 recruits ITK and PLCy
- ITK activates PLCy through phosphorylation
- PLCy hydrolyses PIP2 in DAG and IP3
- DAG activates GEFs Sos and RasGRP
- Ras is activated when bound to GTP as Ras changes conformation.
- This causes a change in conformation of Raf and allows it to autophosphorylate and activate.
- Raf phosphorylates Mek to activate it.
- Mek phosphorylates Erk to activate it
- Erk generates the active transcription factor AP-1.
- AP-1 is a dimer of Jun/fos
How are Mek inhibitors used in the clinic?
- Use to treat cancers with BRaf mutations.
- 4 different Mek inhibitors.
- Used in combinations with other treatments.
- Cancers can develop resistance to these inhibitors
What is NF-kB?
A widely used transcription factors in immune cells.
What does activation of NF-kB start with?
The cleavage of PIP2 into DAG and IP3 by PLC. DAG can activate NF-kB.
What is the protein kinase C family of proteins?
- It has lots of members that are critical for the activation of NF-kB.
- They are conserved through cells.
What Protein kinase C is important for NF-kB activation?
- PKC theta.
- PKC theta is a sub family of PKC.
- Has C1 domains that binds DAG for activation.
- Has a C2 like domain
What is important for NF-kB activation?
Co-stimulation from CD28
What TCR signalling is needed for NF-kB activation?
- TCR signalling causing Lck, ZAP70, LAT and SLP76 to recruit PLCy
- PLCy generates DAG.
- DAG binds to PKC theta and activates it.
What co-stimulatory signalling from CD28 is needed to activate NF-kB?
- CD28 engagement recruited PI 3-kinase through the YXXM ITAM.
- PI 3-kinase converts PIP2 to PIP3 at the plasma membrane.
- PIP3 recruits PDK1
- PDK1 phosphorylates PKC theta to fully activate it.
How does PIP3 recruit PDK1?
PDK1 contains a PH domain that can bind PIP3
What 2 signals are needed to activate PKC theta?
- DAG binding to the C1 domain triggered from TCR signalling.
- Phosphorylation from PDK1 triggered from CD28 signalling.
What does activated PKC theta do?
It activates the CARMA1/BCL10/MALT1 large signalling complex.
What is the function of the CARMA1/BCL10/MALT1 complex?
This complex activates a kinase complex called the inhibitor of NF-kB kinase complex (IKK).
What does IKK do?
- It phosphorylates the inhibitor of NF-kB
- This flags it for degradation.
- And releases NF-kB to be able to enter the nucleus.
What do mutations in the NF-kB cause?
- Severe immunodeficiency
- eg. Mutations in the gamma subunit of NF-kB of the IKK complex
How is ubiquitin used to flag proteins for degradation?
- Ubiquitin has a number of different lysine residues and ubiquitin chains are formed by binding to different residues.
- chains made by attaching to the K48 residue flag proteins for degradation.
What ubiquitin signalling is used in NF-kB activation?
- ubiquitin chains made by binding the K63 residues bind to TRAF6.
- This forms a scaffold for NF-kB activation
How does TNF receptor signalling contribute to NF-kB activation?
- TRAF6 is a signalling transducer that is associated with stimulatory TNR receptors.
- The stimulatory TNF receptor generates the K63 ubiquitin chains on the TRAF6
- These TRAF6 interact with the CARMA/BCL10/MALT1 complex.