1.2 HERCULES Flashcards
Mother of Hercules
Father of Hercules (and how it happened)
Zeus took the form of Amphytrion (Alcmene’ husband) when he was away
What happened to Hercules as a child
- Hera sent 2 snakes to kill him but he strangled them with his hands
- Alcmeme abandoned him in the woods, and Athena became his protector
What happened to Hercules’ first family, and how did this result in his labours
- Hercules married Megara
- Hera sent the goddess madness to drive him insane
- He killed his wife and kids
- As punishement, King Eurystheus demanded he do 10 labours
Hercules’ first labour
Nemean Lion
How did Hercules defeat the Nemean Lion
- Strangled it to death
- Wore the skin as a cloak
How did Hercules defeat the Lernean Hydra
- Every head removed, 2 more would grow back
- His nephew Iolaus would seer the heads when removed
- He used the venom for arrows
Hercules second labour
Lernaean Hydra
How did Hercules defeat the Lernaean Hydra
- Every head removed would grow back 2 more
- His nephew Iolaus seered the heads when removed
- He used the venom for arrows
How did Hercules defeat the Golden Hind
- Tracked for a year
- Captured and ensnared it
How did Hercules defeat the Erymanthian Boar
- Chased it down in the snow
- Took it back to Mycenae
Hercules fifth labour
Augean Stables
How did Hercules clean the Augean Stables
- The large herd of cattle produced so much dung
- He diverted the Alpheius and Peneius rivers through the stables
- He founded the Olympic games for his father, Zeus
What 2 labours did Hercules recieve help on, meaning he had to complete another 2
Lernaean Hydra and Stymphalian Birds
How did Hercules defeat the Stymphalian Birds
- Athena gave him a rattle to rouse the birds
- In the sky, he shot them down
How did Hercules defeat the Cretan Bull
Strangled the bull from behind then rode it back to Mycenae
How did Hercules defeat the Mares of Diomedes
- He fought and beat Diomedes and fed him to his horses
- He took the horses back to Eurystheus
How did Hercules get the Belt of Hippolyte
- She admired his labours and gave him the belt
- A battle ensured after Hera tricked the Amazonians
- He killed Hippolyte and took the belt
How did Hercules defeat the Cattle of Geryon
- He beat Geryon and his dog
- Eurystheus sacrificed the bulls to Hera
How did Hercules defeat the Apples of Hesperides
- Hercules offered to hold the skies from Atlas if he got the apples
- He tricked Atlas and took off
Hercules final labour
How did Hercules defeat Cerberus
- He was sent to fetch him from the Underworld
- He was returned after Hercules captured him