1.2 Developmental Theories Flashcards
Developmental Theory
Organizes knowledge so as to provide testable explanations of human behaviors and the ways they change or don’t change over time. At present there is no single unified theory of human development.
Psychodynamic Theories
Propose that behavior is determined by the way people deal with conflicts they face at different ages.
.i.e. Erikson’s Theory
Learning Theories
Focuses on the development of observable behavior. Heavy emphasis on sociocultural. Who they are observing.
.i.e. Operant-Conditioning. Social Learning Theory.
Cognitive-Developmental Theories
Focuses on thought processes and how they change over time.
Paiget: four-stage universal sequence.
Information-processing: people think like computers with hardware and software.
Vygotsky: emphasized influence of culture.
Ecological and Systems Approach
Bronfenbrenner proposed that development occurs in the context of several interconnected systems of complexity.
Competence-Environmentalpress postulates there is a “best-fit” between a person’s ability and demands placed on them from the environment.
What are the four tenets of Life-Span Theories?
- Multi-directionality
- Plasticity
- Historical Context
- Multiple Causation
Development involves both growth and decline; as people grow in one area they may lost in another at a different rate.
.i.e. vocabulary builds but reaction time slows through life.
Capabilities to learn or improve skill at any point in life but with limits.
.i.e. skills to help handle the declines in memory.
Historical Context
Experiences differ based on when and where someone is born.
.i.e. middle class suburb 50s Indianapolis vs poor Latino 90s Texas
How we develop results from all the forces.
.i.e. children in the same household may have different experiences if one has a developmental disability and the other does not.
Selective Optimization with Compensation (SOC)
Developmental trends to focus one’s efforts and abilities in successively few domains as one ages and to acquire ways to compensate for normative losses.
Life-Course Perspective
Refers to understanding human development within the context of the historical time period in which a generation develops, which creates unique sets of experiences.