12/12 Sleep Apnea - Scharf Flashcards
OSA pathophysiology
3 effects
intermittent collapse of upper airway during sleep causing disruption of airflow
respiratory pauses cause:
- oxygen destaurations
- sleep fragmentation
- poor quality sleep
OSA risk factors
neck size
male sex
anatomic factors
- retrognathia (chin extra-recessed)
- oropharyngeal crowding
- craniofacial abnormalities
OSA clinical presentation
OSA physical exam findings
clinical presentation
- loud snoring
- witnessed apneas
- dry mouth in morning (likely bc they mouth-breathe)
- morning headache (high CO2)
- excessive daytime somnolence
physical exam
- crowded upper airway (big tongue, narrow lateral airway, high arched palate, retrognathia, tonsillar hypertrophy)
- obesity
- incr neck size
- sleepy
OSA diagnosis
- gold standard: polysomnogram (“sleep study”)
- EEG, ECG, EOG (ocular movements), oronasal airflow, muscle tone sensors, movement/position sensors
- home sleep test
- validated questionnnaires
how is OSA diagnosed on polysomnogram?
obstructive vs central SA
apnea vs hypopnea
apnea-hypopnea index
obstructive apnea: PRESENCE of respiratory effort
central apnea: ABSENCE of respiratory effort
apnea: cessation of flow for 10+ s
hypopnea: decr in flow by 30+% for 10+ s assoc with oxygen desat or electrophysiologic arousal
- apnea-hypopnea index is the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour. > 5 = sleep apnea
- 5-15: mild
- 15-30: moderate
- > 30: severe

OSA tx
- weight loss (bariatric surgery)
- adenotonsillectomy in kids
- positional therapy
- mandibular advancement device (keeps airway open by pulling jaw forward)
- oral pressure therapy (mouthpiece that uses negative pressure to pull tongue forward)
- hypoglossal nerve stimulator (stimulates tongue extension)
- CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure (positive pressure to keep airway from collapsing)
- pneumatic splint
- nearly 100% effective BUT patient compliance is an issue
consequences of untreated OSA
symptomatic sleepiness
adverse health effects
- DM, HTN, heart disease, stroke, afib
- incr mortality
impaired attention, psychomotor vigilance
associated with HTN
- RCT showed that CPAP lowers HTN in SA pts
associated with DM
- lower risk in those using CPAP