11b- The Past Conditional Flashcards
The passé du conditionnel expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present. It is formed with the present conditional of être or avoir and the past participle of the main verb.
- Elle aurait accepté votre offre.
- She would have accepted your offer.
The passé du conditionnel expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present. It is formed with the present conditional of être or avoir and the past participle of the main verb.
- Nous aurions été déçus.
- We would have been disappointed.
The passé du conditionnel expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present. It is formed with the present conditional of être or avoir and the past participle of the main verb.
- Tu aurais ri!
- You would have laughed.
The passé du conditionnel expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present. It is formed with the present conditional of être or avoir and the past participle of the main verb.
- Ils se seraient mis en colère.
- The would have been angry.
The passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
Nous aurions voulu y assister.
We would have liked to attend
The passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
Tu aurais dû arriver plus tôt.
You should have arrived earlier.
The passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
Elle aurait aime le féliciter.
She would have liked to congratulate him.
The passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.
Cela aurait été tellement plus facile.
This would have been so much easier.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait.
Elle aurait fini plus tôt si vous l’aviez aidée.
She would have finished earlier if you had helped her.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait.
Je serais arrivé à l’heure s’il y avais eu moins de circulation.
I would have arrived on time if there had been less traffic.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait.
Si le patron n’avait pas voté la délocalisation, l’usine serait restée ouverte.
If the boss had not voted for a relocation, the factory would have stayed open.
The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait.
Il n’aurait pas tant gagné d’argent s’il était resté à Bordeaux.
He would not have made as much money if he had not stayed in Bordeaux.
The passé du conditionnel is used as a conditionnel journalistique to express a statement not necessarily confirmed by authorities. In most cases that imply the English allegedly or reportedly, the conditional (past or present) will be used in French.
- Le tremblement de terre aurait fait des milliers de victimes en Mexique.
- The earthquake reportedly killed thousands of people in Mexico.
The passé du conditionnel is used as a conditionnel journalistique to express a statement not necessarily confirmed by authorities. In most cases that imply the English allegedly or reportedly, the conditional (past or present) will be used in French.
- Le président l’aurait gracié.
- The president reportedly granted him his pardon.
The passé du conditionnel is used as a conditionnel journalistique to express a statement not necessarily confirmed by authorities. In most cases that imply the English allegedly or reportedly, the conditional (past or present) will be used in French.
- Ce célèbre français se serait installé en Suisse.
- This famous french singer reportedly moved to Switzerland.
The passé du conditionnel is used as a conditionnel journalistique to express a statement not necessarily confirmed by authorities. In most cases that imply the English allegedly or reportedly, the conditional (past or present) will be used in French.
- Il aurait volé la voiture de son voisin.
- He allegedly stole his neighbor’s car.
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses en utilisant d’abord le passé du conditionnel, puis le plus-que-parfait.
Nous (dîner) avec vous si nous (pouvoir).
Nous aurions dîné avec vous si nous avons pu.
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses en utilisant d’abord le passé du conditionnel, puis le plus-que-parfait.
Elle (visiter) ce musée si elle (avoir) plus de temps.
Elle aurait visité ce musée si elle avait eu plus de temps.
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses en utilisant d’abord le passé du conditionnel, puis le plus-que-parfait.
Elle (voir) ce film s’il (être) sous-titré.
Elle aurait vu ce film s’il avait été sous-titré.
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses en utilisant d’abord le passé du conditionnel, puis le plus-que-parfait.
Ils (inviter) Charles s’il (ne pas travailler) ce soir-là.
Ils auraient invité Charles s’il n’avait pas travaillé ce soir-là.