1.1.3 Noung gender and meaning - Exceptions Flashcards
What is the gender of Brise?
die Brise
BR: Brisa
What is the gender of Eis?
das Eis
What is the gender of Wetter?
das Wetter
What is the gender of Erz?
das Erz
BR: minerio
What is the gender of Kohle?
die Kohle
BR: carvao
What is the gender of Kreide?
die Kreide
BR: giz
What is the gender of Mineral?
das Mineral
What is the gender of Bier?
das Bier
What is the gender of Seine?
die Seine (river)
What is the gender of Themse?
die Themse (river)
What is the gender of Wolga?
die Wolga (river)
What is the gender of Liffey?
die Liffey (river)
What is the gender of Mark?
die Mark (monetary unity)
What is the gender of Pfund?
das Pfund (monetaryunity)
What is the gender of Erzgebirge?
das Erzgebirge (mountain)
What is the gender of Matterhorn?
das Matterhorn (mountain)
What is the gender of Zugspitze?
die Zugspitze (mountain)
What is the gender of Eifel?
die Eifel (mountain)
What is the gender of Rhön?
die Röhn (mountain)
What is the gender of Sierra Nevada?
die Serra Nevada (mountain)
What is the gender of Inn?
der Inn (river)
What is the gender of Lech?
der Lech (river)
What is the gender of Main?
der Main (river)
What is the gender of Neckar?
der Neckar (river)
What is the gender of Rhein?
der Rhein (river)
What is the gender of Bronze?
die Bronze
What is the gender of Phosphor?
der Phosphor
What is the gender of Schwefel?
der Schwefel
BR: enxofre
What is the gender of Stahl?
der Stahl
BR: aco
What is the gender of Sauerstoff?
der Sauerstoff
BR: oxigenio
What is the gender of Arktis?
die Arktis
What is the gender of Antarktis?
die Antarktis
What is the gender of Lausitz?
die Lausitz
What is the gender of Schweiz?
die Schweiz
What is the gender of Riviera?
die Riviera
What is the gender of Bretagne?
die Bretagne
What is the gender of Türkei?
die Türkei
What is the gender of Normandie?
die Normandie
What is the gender of Irak?
der Irak
What is the gender of Iran?
der Iran
What is the gender of Jemen?
der Jemen
What is the gender of Kongo?
der Kongo
What is the gender of Libanon?
der Libanon
What is the gender of Sudan?
der Sudan