1.1.2 Noun gender given by form - Exceptions Flashcards
What is the gender of Grab?
das Grab
EN: Grave
This is an excpetion from strong verbs without suffix.
Graben: gräbt · grub · hat gegraben
What is the gender of Leid?
das Leid
EN: sorrow, pain
What is the gender of Maß?
das Maß
EN: measurement
What is the gender of Schloss?
das Schloss
EN: castle
What is the gender of Verbot?
das Verbot
EN: prohibition
This is an excpetion from strong verbs without suffix.
verbietet · verbot · hat verboten
What is the gender of Dienst?
der Dienst
EN: Service
What is the gender of Durst?
der Durst
EN: thirst
What is the gender of Frost?
der Frost
BR: Geada
What is the gender of Verdienst?
der Verdienst
EN: earnings
BR: ganhos
What is the gender of Verlust?
der Verlust
EN: loss
BR: perda
What is the gender of Gift?
das Gift
BR: veneno
EN: poison
What is the gender of Butter?
die Butter
What is the gender of Regel?
die Regel
EN: rule
What is the gender of Wurzel?
die Wurzel
EN: root / radical
What is the gender of Rätsel?
das Rätsel
EN: mistery
What is the gender of Viertel?
das Viertel
EN: quarter
What is the gender of Achtel?
das Achtel
EN: eighth
What is the gender of Segel?
das Segel
EN: sail
What is the gender of Zeichen?
das Zeichen
EN: character / sign
What is the gender of Fieber?
das Fieber
EN: fever
What is the gender of Buchstabe?
der Buchstabe
EN: letter
What is the gender of Friede?
der Friede
EN: peace
What is the gender of Funke?
der Funke
EN: spark
BR: faisca
What is the gender of Gedanke?
der Gedanke
EN: though / idea / concept
What is the gender of Glaube?
der Glaube
EN: faith
What is the gender of Haufe?
der Haufe
EN: pile
What is the gender of Name?
der Name
What is the gender of Same?
der Same
EN: seed
What is the gender of Wille?
der Wille
EN: will / intention
BR: desejo / testamento / desejo
What is the gender of Charme?
der Charme
EN: charm
What is the gender of Käse?
der Käse
What is the gender of Gebirge?
das Gebirge
EN: mountains
What is the gender of Gefälle?
das Gefälle
EN: gradient / slope / incline
What is the gender of Gemüse?
das Gemüse
EN: vegetables
What is the gender of Auge?
das Auge
EN: eye
What is the gender of Ende?
das Ende
EN: end
What is the gender of Erbe?
das Erbe
EN: heritage / inheritance
What is the gender of Finale?
das Finale
EN: final
What is the gender of Image?
das Image
EN: image
What is the gender of Interesse?
das Interesse
EN: interest
What is the gender of Prestige?
das Prestige
EN: prestige
What is the gender of Regime?
das Regime
EN: regime
What is the gender of Gebrauch?
der Gebrauch
EN: use
What is the gender of Gefallen?
der Gefallen
EN: favour
What is the gender of Gehalt?
der Gehalt
EN: content
What is the gender of Gehorsam?
der Gehorsam
EN: obedience
What is the gender of Genuss?
der Genuss
EN: enjoyment
What is the gender of Geruch?
der Geruch
EN: smell
What is the gender of Gesang?
der Gesang
EN: singing
What is the gender of Geschmack?
der Geschmack
EN: taste
What is the gender of Gestank?
der Gestank
EN: stink
What is the gender of Gewinn?
der Gewinn
EN: profit
What is the gender of Gebärde?
die Gebärde
EN: gesture
What is the gender of Gebühr?
die Gebühr
EN: fee
What is the gender of Geburt?
die Geburt
EN: birth
What is the gender of Gebuld?
die Gebuld
EN: patience
What is the gender of Gefahr?
die Gefahr
EN: danger
What is the gender of Gemeinde?
die Gemeinde
EN: community
What is the gender of Geschichte?
die Geschichte
EN: history / story
What is the gender of Geschwulst?
die Geschwultz
EN: tumour
What is the gender of Gestalt?
die Gestalt
EN: figure
What is the gender of Gewähr?
die Gewähr
EN: guarantee
What is the gender of Gewalt?
die Gewalt
EN: force / violence
What is the gender of Besorgnis?
die Besorgnis
EN: concern
What is the gender of Erkenntnis?
die Erkenntnis
EN: knowledge
What is the gender of Erlaubnis?
die Erlaubnis
EN: permission
What is the gender of Ersparnis?
die Ersparnis
EN: saving
What is the gender of Kenntnis?
die Kenntnis
EN: knowledge
What is the gender of Wildnis?
die Wildnis
EN: wilderness
BR: região selvagem
What is the gender of Mühsal?
die Mühsal
EN: toil / tribulation
BR: labuta
What is the gender of Altar?
der Altar
What is the gender of Apparat?
der Apparat
What is the gender of Automat?
der Automat
EN: automaton / robot / machine
What is the gender of Kanal?
der Kanal
EN: channel
What is the gender of Kanton?
der Kanton
EN: canton
BR: cantao
What is the gender of Kommentar?
der Kommentar
What is the gender of Manier?
die Manier
EN: style
What is the gender of Moral?
die Moral
What is the gender of Person?
die Person
What is the gender of Salat?
der Salat
EN: lettuce
What is the gender of Senat?
der Senat
BR: senado
What is the gender of Skandal?
der Skandal
EN: scandal
What is the gender of Buch?
das Buch
What is the gender of Dach?
das Dach
EN: top / roof
What is the gender of Jahr?
das Jahr
What is the gender of Kinn?
das Kinn
BR: queixo
EN: chin
What is the gender of Angst?
die Angst
EN: fear
What is the gender of Hand?
die Hand
What is the gender of Nuss?
die Nuss
EN: nut
What is the gender of Stadt?
EN: city