1.1.1 DNA Flashcards
MOST basic structure of B-DNA?
Asymmetrical right handed double helix, 5’ to 3’ direction and 2 antiparallel strands, BASE PAIRS PERPENDICULAR TO helix axis
Orientation of bases and backbone?
Ribose and phosphate outside, bases in the centre
What makes a base pair?
Purine + pyrimidine
Which are purines and pyrimidines + how many rings purines and pyrimidines have
A, G: purine (2 rings) , T, C: pyrimidine (1 ring)
How many bases per rotation and how much does each base rotate
10.4 bases per 360 degree rotation, each base rotates around 36 degrees to right
Which carbon of nucleotide connects to base
For DNA which carbon determines whether it is deoxyribonucleotide AND how
C2, hydrogen in DNA instead of OH group
Which carbon links to phosphate group, which carbon links to the OH group connecting to the phosphate
C5 connected to phosphate, C3 connects to OH group
Nucleotide of A aka? Structure refer to guide
Deoxyadenylate, deoxyadenosine-5’-monophosphate, A, dAMP, dA
Nucleotide of T aka? Structure refer to guide
Deoxythymidylate, deoxythymidine-5’-monophosphate, T, dTMP, dT
Nucleotide of C aka? Structure refer to guide
Deoxycytidylate, deoxycytidine-5’-monophosphate, C, dCMP, dC
Nucleotide of G aka? Structure refer to guide
Deoxyguanylate, deoxyguanosine-5’-monophosphate, G, dGMP, dG
What is nucleotide and what is nucleoside:
Nucleotide: phosphate group + ribose sugar + base
Nucleoside: base + sugar only
Why are nucleic acids chiral
compositional asymmetry of sugars (d-deoxyribose or d-ribose)
Function of major groove:
More accessible in allowing transcription factors to bind
What happens if transcriptional factors bind on minor groove:
More severe structural damage to DNA
How long is the major groove and minor groove:
3.4nm, 0.34nm respectively
Width of DNA molecule:
Chargaff’s rule?
A always binds to T, C always binds to G, so % of A = % of T and % of C = % of G
Structure of A-DNA?
Right handed helix but bases not perpendicular to helix axis
Structure of Z-DNA?
Left-handed helix, helix winds in zigzag pattern