1.10. Weather reactions Flashcards
What does ‘Tiritar’ mean?
To shiver
What does ‘Temblar’ mean?
To tremble / To shake
What does ‘Castañetear los dientes’ mean?
To chatter one’s teeth
What does ‘Poner la piel de gallina’ mean?
To get goosebumps
What does ‘Abrigarse’ mean?
To bundle up / To wrap up
What does ‘Congelarse’ mean?
To freeze / To feel frozen
What does ‘Enrojecerse la piel por el frío’ mean?
To get red skin from the cold
What does ‘Entumecerse’ mean?
To go numb
What does ‘Frotarse las manos para entrar en calor’ mean?
To rub one’s hands to warm up
What does ‘Meter las manos en los bolsillos’ mean?
To put one’s hands in pockets (for warmth)
What does ‘Sudorarse’ mean?
To sweat
What does ‘Sudar a chorros’ mean?
To sweat profusely
What does ‘Sofocarse’ mean?
To feel suffocated (from heat)
What does ‘Agotarse por el calor’ mean?
To get exhausted from heat
What does ‘Marearse por el calor’ mean?
To get dizzy from heat
What does ‘Ventilarse’ mean?
To fan oneself
What does ‘Buscar sombra’ mean?
To look for shade
What does ‘Beber agua para hidratarse’ mean?
To drink water to stay hydrated
What does ‘Secarse el sudor’ mean?
To wipe away sweat
What does ‘Deshidratarse’ mean?
To get dehydrated
What does ‘Sentir la piel ardiendo’ mean?
To feel one’s skin burning
What does ‘Sufrir una insolación’ mean?
To suffer from heatstroke
What does ‘Pegarse la ropa al cuerpo’ mean?
To have clothes stick to the body
What does ‘Sentirse pegajoso/a’ mean?
To feel sticky
What does ‘Respirar con dificultad por la humedad’ mean?
To have trouble breathing due to humidity
What does ‘Notar el cabello encrespado’ mean?
To notice frizzy hair
What does ‘Olerse el cuerpo más fuerte’ mean?
To have stronger body odor
What does ‘Sentir el aire en la cara’ mean?
To feel the wind on one’s face
What does ‘Despeinarse’ mean?
To get one’s hair messed up by the wind
What does ‘Resecarse los labios’ mean?
To get chapped lips
What does ‘Sentir frío aunque haga sol’ mean?
To feel cold despite the sun
What does ‘Entrecerrar los ojos por el viento’ mean?
To squint due to the wind
What does ‘Mojarse’ mean?
To get wet
What does ‘Empaparse’ mean?
To get soaked
What does ‘Chapotear en los charcos’ mean?
To splash in puddles
What does ‘Cubrirse con un paraguas’ mean?
To cover oneself with an umbrella
What does ‘Encogerse para evitar mojarse’ mean?
To huddle up to avoid getting wet
What does ‘Resbalarse en el suelo mojado’ mean?
To slip on the wet ground
What does ‘Quedarse sin aliento por el frío/calor extremo’ mean?
To be breathless due to extreme cold/heat
What does ‘Cubrirse la cara con una bufanda o la mano’ mean?
To cover one’s face with a scarf or hand
What does ‘Correr para refugiarse del clima’ mean?
To run for shelter from the weather
What does ‘Refugiarse en un lugar cerrado’ mean?
To take shelter indoors
What does ‘Respirar con dificultad en temperaturas extremas’ mean?
To have difficulty breathing in extreme temperatures
Aquí tienes un vocabulario sobre reacciones del cuerpo al clima, en español e inglés, con sus significados:
- Reacciones al frío ❄️
• Tiritar – To shiver
• Temblar – To tremble / To shake
• Castañetear los dientes – To chatter one’s teeth
• Poner la piel de gallina – To get goosebumps
• Abrigarse – To bundle up / To wrap up
• Congelarse – To freeze / To feel frozen
• Enrojecerse la piel por el frío – To get red skin from the cold
• Entumecerse – To go numb
• Frotarse las manos para entrar en calor – To rub one’s hands to warm up
• Meter las manos en los bolsillos – To put one’s hands in pockets (for warmth) - Reacciones al calor ☀️
• Sudorarse – To sweat
• Sudar a chorros – To sweat profusely
• Sofocarse – To feel suffocated (from heat)
• Agotarse por el calor – To get exhausted from heat
• Marearse por el calor – To get dizzy from heat
• Ventilarse – To fan oneself
• Buscar sombra – To look for shade
• Beber agua para hidratarse – To drink water to stay hydrated
• Secarse el sudor – To wipe away sweat
• Deshidratarse – To get dehydrated
• Sentir la piel ardiendo – To feel one’s skin burning
• Sufrir una insolación – To suffer from heatstroke - Reacciones a la humedad 🌫️
• Pegarse la ropa al cuerpo – To have clothes stick to the body
• Sentirse pegajoso/a – To feel sticky
• Respirar con dificultad por la humedad – To have trouble breathing due to humidity
• Notar el cabello encrespado – To notice frizzy hair
• Olerse el cuerpo más fuerte – To have stronger body odor - Reacciones al viento 🌬️
• Sentir el aire en la cara – To feel the wind on one’s face
• Despeinarse – To get one’s hair messed up by the wind
• Resecarse los labios – To get chapped lips
• Sentir frío aunque haga sol – To feel cold despite the sun
• Entrecerrar los ojos por el viento – To squint due to the wind - Reacciones a la lluvia 🌧️
• Mojarse – To get wet
• Empaparse – To get soaked
• Chapotear en los charcos – To splash in puddles
• Cubrirse con un paraguas – To cover oneself with an umbrella
• Encogerse para evitar mojarse – To huddle up to avoid getting wet
• Resbalarse en el suelo mojado – To slip on the wet ground - Reacciones al clima extremo 🌪️🌡️
• Quedarse sin aliento por el frío/calor extremo – To be breathless due to extreme cold/heat
• Cubrirse la cara con una bufanda o la mano – To cover one’s face with a scarf or hand
• Correr para refugiarse del clima – To run for shelter from the weather
• Refugiarse en un lugar cerrado – To take shelter indoors
• Respirar con dificultad en temperaturas extremas – To have difficulty breathing in extreme temperatures