1.1 The legal framework Flashcards
There are several pieces of legislation that control the supply and use of hazardous
substances in the UK. These are: 6
European Regulations
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
Regulation EC 1907/2008
Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances, and Mixtures (CLP)
Regulation EC1272/2008
UK Regulations
Chemical (Hazard, Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, as amended
Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 CLAW
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 CAR
Countries in the United Nations, including those in the European Union, have been
working together with industry representatives and others to agree a classification
and labelling system that can be used worldwide. The outcome is
the Globally
Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, known as the
‘GHS’. The GHS provides a single system to identify hazards and to communicate
them in transporting and supplying chemicals across the world i.e. labels and safety
data sheets.
European Union (EU) Member States agreed to adopt the GHS across the EU through a direct acting Regulation:
the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of
Substances and Mixtures. This is also known as the ‘CLP Regulation’ or just ‘CLP’.
In addition to CLP The European Commission presented a proposal for a new EU
regulatory system for chemicals:
REACH, which stands for:
Authorisation of CHemicals.
All Chemicals will require EU authorisation by _________ before the materials are allowed to sold or imported within the EU. Their
use may also be restricted.
the European Chemical Agency
REACH is an EU Regulation that covers all chemicals (with a few exceptions) if
they are manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of ________________
1 tonne or above.
REACH is designed to: 7
Improve information in the supply chain - many substances are data poor and
this can lead to inadequate risk assessments.
Promote better risk management measures.
Facilitate compliance with CoSHH.
Encourage the use of safer alternatives for CMR substances.
Allow the free movement of substances on the EU market.
Question the need for animal testing.
Lead to improvements in occupational health.
Under REACH, each producer and importer of chemicals in volumes of 1 tonne or
more per year and will have to register each chemical with the EU Chemicals
Agency (the ECHA), submitting information on:
safe ways of handling them.
Through REACH evaluation, public authorities will look in more detail at registration
dossiers and at substances of concern. 4
Completeness check.
Compliance check.
Dossier evaluation.
Substance evaluation.
Under REACH, Use-specific authorisation will be required for chemicals that cause: 4
Problems with reproduction.
It is also required for those that accumulate in human bodies and the environment.
A comparison between the approach of REACH and CoSHH 4
REACH CoSHH Main obligations on manufacturer / importer (though also on supplier and downstream user) All obligations on individual employer Covers manufacture of a substance and all identified uses across the EU >10 tonnes / year Covers all work activities with all hazardous substances at that site, including process derived substances (dust, fume etc.) Substance driven Tends to be task/process driven Risk management measures more likely to be broadly based Risk management measures more likely to be site specific
The intention of the CLP Regulation is:
very similar to CHIP – substances and
mixtures that are placed on the market should be classified, labelled and packaged
appropriately. But because CLP adopts the GHS, in time, the same classifications
and labelling will be used throughout the world.
CHIP 4 is a set of UK Regulations that
sets out the transitional arrangements for
the implementation of CLP within the UK,
Classification is the process of: 2
Deciding what kind of hazard the chemical has.
Explaining the hazard by assigning a simple sentence that describes it (known
as a
‘risk phrase’ or ‘R-phrase’ for short).
If a dangerous chemical is supplied in a package, the package must be labelled.
The aim of the label is to: 2
Inform anyone handling the package or using the chemicals about its hazards.
Give brief advice on what precautions are needed.