11: SCM Flashcards
Objective: build chain of suppliers focus on max value to ultimate customer
SCM: integration of activities that procure materials and services, transform them into intermediate goods and final products and deliver them through distribution system.
Firms strive to:
- Increase competitiveness
- Make suppliers parentheses
- Depends on close long-term relationships with few suppliers.
Supply chains strategic importance:
- Coordination of all SC activities
- Includes suppliers, manufacturers, distributors etc
- Large portion sales spent on purchases
- Supplier relationships increasingly integrated and long term
- Managing supplier relationships key
Eight Critical SCM Activities:
- Sharing info with customer
- Order fulfillment
- Distributors
- Accounts payable, receivable
- Suppliers
- Warehousing and inventory
- Transportation modes
- Credit and cash transfers
Seven S’s of SCM:
- Synergy
- Serialization
- Synchronization
- Standards
- Semantics
- Social
- Sustainability
Supply chains in global environments must be able to:
- React to sudden changes (parts availability, distribution, shipping channels, import duties)
- Use latest computer and transmission tech (to schedule and manage shipments)
- Staff with local specialists (handle duties, freights, customs)
Supply Chain Risk:
Likelihood and consequence of events at any point in the end-to-end supply chain.
Supply Chain Risk Management:
Coordination of activities to direct and control a firms end-to-end SC regarding SC risks
SC Risk:
- more reliance on supply chain = more Risk
- fewer suppliers = more dependence
- vendor reliability and quality risks
- globalization and logistical complexity
- political and currency risks
Risk and Mitigation Tactics:
- Research and assess risks
- Innovative planning
- Reduce disruptions
- Prepare responses
- Flexible + secure SC
- Diversified supplier base
Specific Risk Mitigation:
- Supplier failure to deliver
- Supplier quality failure
- Logistics delays or damage
- Distribution
- Information less or distorted
- Political
- Economic
- Natural disasters
- Theft, vandalism & terrorism
SC Strategies:
- Many Suppliers
Based on price, suppliers compete, LT relationships not the goal, kraljic’s supply matrix
- Few Suppliers
- Longer term relationships with few suppliers
- value creation through economies of scale and learning curve improvements
- suppliers more willing to participate in JIT programs and contribute design and tech
- changing suppliers costly
- captives
- poor supplier performance
- trade secrets
- Vertical Integration
- ability to produce goods/services that were previously purchased
- improve cost, quality and inventory
- But requires capital, managerial skills and demand
- risky in industries with rapid tech change
- backward int. = towards suppliers / items made and bought
- forward int. = towards customer / items kept and sold
Benefits of Vertical Integration:
- Market intelligence improved
- More reliable options available for tech innovations
- Enhancement of organizations control
- Low cost opportunities
- Joint ventures
Partners agree to develop, for a finite time, a new entity by contributing equity.
Share in revenues, expenses and costs
Formal collaboration
Partners called “co-venturers”
Cooperation without diluting brand
- Virtual Companies:
Use suppliers on an as needed basis.
Rely on variety of supplier relationships to provide services on demand.
Lean performance, low cap investment, flexibility, speed