1.1 health and safety legislation that apply at the workplace Flashcards
What is the health and safety at work etc act 1974?
Main piece of primary legislation covering health and safety in the workplace.
It places general duties on employees, employers and self employed to ensure the health and safety of individuals at work.
The act requires employers to have written health and safety policy if they employ more than 5 people.
What is the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999?
These regulations require risk assessments to be carried out to identify and implement the measures necessary to reduce risks to the health and safety of employees, self employed workers and others who may be affected by work activities.
RIDDOR (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations ) 2013
These regulations require employers or those in control of work premises to keep records of and report certain types of work related accidents, incidents and ill health to the relevant enforcing authority e.g. HSE.
what needs to be reported under RIDDOR?
death of any person, specified reportable injuries t workers, incapacitation of workers for more than 7 days, non fatal accidents to people other than workers e.g. public. There is also a requirement to report diagnosis of certain occupational diseases caused or made worse by work
accident requirements for RIDDOR
An accident book is a requirement of RIDDOR but also under social security legislation regulations 1979.
following info must be recorded:
- date, time and place of the incident
- injured persons full name, address and occupation
- description of illness or injury
- any first aid given
- immediate actions after the incident
these must be obtained for 3 years
lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations (LOLER) 1998
these regulations require lifting operations to be appropriately planned and managed, lifting systems to be properly designed and lifting equipment set for purpose. Any equipment used should be thoroughly examined by a competent person.
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (COSHH)
these require risk assessments to be carried out to identify and implement the measures necessary to reduce risk to the health of employees, self employed and others who may be affected by the storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances
Provision and use of work equipment regulations (PUWER) 1998
require employers to provide instruction, training and supervision for individuals using work equipment and to ensure selected equipment is suitable. when buying new equipment or machinery it is a requirement to check it complies with supply of machinery (safety) regulations 2008
manual handling operations regulations 1992
require employers to assess and minimise the risk to health involved with manual handling activities. manual handling should be avoided as far as is reasonably practicable, but if not possible, employers must identify and implement measures to reduce any risk of injury.
work at height regulations 2005
all work done at height is appropiately managed and planned ensuring all equipment and techniques selected are suitable and fit for purpose to reduce potential risks.
what does work at height include?
- undertaken above ground floor level
- where there is a risk from falling from an edge or through an opening or fragile surface
- where there is risk of falling from ground level into an opening in a floor or hole in the ground
control of noise at work regulations 2005
require employers to review work activities and take action to reduce risks from noise exposure as far as is reasonably practicable, and to ensure legal limits are not exceeded. hearing protection must be supplied if noise exposure cannot be controlled by other means.
personal protective equipment (PPE) at work regulations 2022
require employers to review activities to determine whether PPE is required, and if so ensure the equipment selected is suitable, fit for purpose and worn properly when worn and maintained with appropriate training given.
regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005
this order consolidated all previous fire safety laws into a single piece of legislation. it covers fire safety for non-domestic premises and require anyone in control of those premises to take steps to reduce the risk of a fire starting and ensure a safe escape can happen.
fire safety act 2021
this act was passed in response to the Grenfell tower tragedy. it amends the fire safety order by extending the responsible persons scope of responsibilities to include buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises.
workplace (health, safety and welfare) regulations 1992
this covers workplace cleanliness, ventilation, temperature, lighting, pedestrian and traffic route, sanitary convenience and washing facilities. this is intended to make workplace a healthy and safe environment for workers
working time regulations 1998
require employers to comply with specific rules associated with working time, including holiday entitlement, night work, rest during the working day, maximus weekly working hours and special arrangements during emergencies.
working time (amendment) regulations 2003
brought into to scope certain sectors that had been excluded from the initial legislation including transport sectors, sea fishing, offshore work and work of junior hospital doctors.