11. Fracture Flashcards
Does materials that brittle fracture undergo necking?
Doe materials that ductile fracture undergo necking?
Doe brittle materials undergo plastic deformation?
not really, they fracture quite quicklu
to ductile materials undergo plastic deformation?
yes, extensively
What is the appearance of the fracture surface for ductile fracture?
dull and fibrous
What is the appearance of the fracture surface for brittle fracture?
shiny and crystalline
describe 3 morphological characteristics of ductile fracture
- Dimples (microscopic)
- Cup and cone
- Evidence of shear (failure along paths of maximum shear)
describe 3 morphological characteristics of brittle fracture
- Flat surface
- Evidence of cleavage
of grains - Chevron and fan-
shaped patterns
Name 4 different defects that can occur during manufacturing
- Porosity
- Inclusions (ie contaminants)
- surface damage (ie dents, nicks, cracks)
- Dislocations
What does Kc stand for?
Fracture toughness
define fracture toughness
A measure of a material’s resistance to brittle fracture when a crack is present
what does kt stand for?
the stress concentration factor
What is Griffiths theory?
a crack will propagate when the release of elastic strain energy exceeds the energy required to form new crack surfaces
How is energy consumed and generated by the propagation? of a crack
Energy is CONSUMED to create new fracture surfaces (ie extend the crack).
the crack RELEASES elastic strain energy
In plane strain there ___ (is no/is) strain perpendicular to the front and back faces
is no
fracture toughness decreases with ____(decreasing/increasing) yield strength
fracture toughness decreases with ____(decreasing/increasing) ductility
decreasing ductility
are fracture toughness and toughness the same thing?
the same stress field ahead of the crack tip is observed if the same ____ ____ ____ __ exists
stress intensity factor K
What does KI stand for?
(Plane strain) stress intensity factor
What does KIC stand for?
Plane strain fracture toughness
Given the values of KI and KIC how do you determine if a crack propagates?
If KI ≥ KIC the crack will propagate