11 - Class III malocclusion Flashcards
Class III is hardest to treat as unpredictable about how it could worsen as they enter later teenage years -esp those with a large mandible
Incisor classification of class III
Meaning edge to edge incisor relationship is also class III
Molar classification of Class III
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Class III malocclusion with have a convex profile.
Often associated with mandibular protrusion and maxillary retrognathia.
- Incisor relationship of Class III malocclusion
List 3 types of incisor relationships:
What often exists in class III malocclusion:
Severity of the incisor relationship varies greatly:
1. Edge to edge
2. Edge to edge with forward displacement into a reverse overjet – The ability to get an edge to edge bite, leads to a good prognosis of any class III case.
3, Frank reverse overjet – Size of the reverse overjet is a good indicator of severity
Incisor Compensation often exists:
- Proclined upper incisors
- Retroclined lower incisors
- This is the body trying to create a bite
- All provide a good guide to severity – The more compensation, the more severe the
Describe incisor relationship
Edge to edge incisor relationship
(Mild class III malocclusion, upper second premolar missing, LLsecond premolar missing, Es are retained, LR quadrant - Lower second premolar tooth germ is distally angulated)
Describe incisor relationship
- can obtain an edge to edge incisor relationship in retruded path of closure, then they displace forwards into maximum intercuspaton which produces a reverse overjet
- important to identify these pts as their intercuspal position suggests a more severe malocclusion than they actually have
- ability to obtain an edge to edge incisor relationship is a good prognostic feature in any class 3 case
Describe this incisor relationship
Frank reverse overjet- patient occludes directly into this with no displacement
Size of reverse overjet indicates severity - which affects treatment
Incisor compensation
During development lower incisors retrocline and upper incisors procline in an attempt to achieve class I incisor relationship
More incisor compensation -> more severe malocclusion
- Posterior crossbites - Class III malocclusion
- Vertical relationship in class III malocclusion
Anterior Open bite – Increased vertical proportions are harder to manage orthodontically. Its hard to make the teeth overlap with fixed appliances. Often need surgery combined with orthodontic treatment.
- Dental arch crowding
Overall features of class III malocclusion
All the FC labelled 1-4
Cleft palate
Severe crowding
Bilateral crossbite
Narrow maxillary arch
Lower arch- well aligned
Skeletal features of class III malocclusion 1 Anterior-Posterior relationship
Larger reverse overjet often the larger the class III skeletal pattern
Must look out for displacements when assessing skeletal pattern
Skeletal growth is often unfavourable so anterior posterior relationship can often worsen, esp those with high angle - worsening of open bite as pt grows
Which class 3 is mild and which is severe?
Mild - has edge to edge incisor relationship
Severe - has a large reverse overjet