11-2T-6V3 T-6 Operations Procedures Flashcards
Joker Fuel:
Fuel above Bingo, at which separation, bug out, or event termination should begin and proceed with the remainder of the mission
Bingo Fuel
Fuel that allows return to base of intended landing or alternate using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recovery fuel
Normal Recovery Fuel: Where is it based off of?
Fuel on initial or at the FAF at base of intended landing or alternate, 200# for T-6
Minimum/Emergency Fuel definition, when to declare?
Declare minimum/emergency fuel when it becomes apparent that the fuel remaining at final touchdown will be less than minimum or emergency (150 or 200 solo, 100 respectively)
When to use LDG flaps?
LDG flaps should be used for full-stops when heavy weight flaps up landing distance is greater than or equal to 80% of actual field length
What is the difference between a Low Approach and a Restricted Low approach?
- Low Approach - Don’t allow the aircraft to touch down
- Restricted Low Approach - Don’t Descend below 500 AGL (or altitude specified by ATC)
High Surface Wind Restrictions:
Do not conduct flights over land within training or operating areas when steady state surface winds exceeds 35 knots
High Swell Restrictions
OG/CC approval required to operate over water with forecast or actual wave heights over 10 ft
GPS WX for non-precision Approaches:
Only do RNAV during day VMC. Only use lateral navigation (LNAV) and circling minima
GPS database currency:
Check JEPPESEN NAVDATA alerts prior to flights in which Jeppesen database will be used.
- Don’t use GPS as primary navigation source with an expired database
FDE for GPS Use
Check Fault Detection and Exclusion before using GPS as primary navigation source
- Loss of FDE = unacceptable degradation of system performance, must say “YES”
RNAV SID/STAR restriction:
Aircrew will not fly SIDs, STARs, and DPs with RNAV in the title
MAX aircraft in an uncontrolled airfield pattern:
4 total (military of civilian)
Max airspeed at a non towered airport (NTA):
200 KIAS or less within 1500 AGL and 3 NM of an uncontrolled airport
What kind of operations can you fly at an NTA?
Instrument approaches, overhead patterns, rectangular patterns, and ELPs
What direction is standard turns at an NTA pattern?
Aircrews will make all turns to the LEFT unless airport displays approved light signals, visual markings, or flight information publications indicate RIGHT turns
When can you not fly an overhead patterns at an NTA? And what then must you fly in the pattern?
Don’t use overhead with civilian aircraft in traffic pattern, fly rectangular patterns (As depicted in FAA AIM)