11-2-T-38 Flashcards
Max crosswind for solo students (dry/wet):
15/10 kts
Minimum runway length for takeoff/landing is ___:
8000 ft
No flap landings are not accomplished with ___ lbs or greater of fuel:
2500 lbs
Low level min and max airspeed:
Simulated single-engine go-around must be initiated by ___ (___ full flap):
100, 300 ft AGL
Perform all aerobatic maneuvers above ___:
8000 ft AGL
Stall and slow flight must be performed between ___:
8000 ft - FL200
Min power setting for stalls and slow flight:
Nose high recoveries must be accomplished below ___:
FL 240
Do not perform supersonic flight below _____ unless in an authorized airspace
Solo students will not perform patterns and landings with ___ fuel or more
Normal minimum fuel for solo students:
Minimum Fuel
600 lbs
Emergency fuel:
400 lbs
Min taxi interval is ___ staggered, ___ in trail:
150 ft, 300 ft