11 17 2014 Endocarditis Flashcards
Mecahism by which injury leads to valve vegetation formation
Endothelial injury usually occurs due to turbulent blood flow resulting from a pre-existing valvular disease
Endothelial injury may also occur due to foreign material within circulation– venous catheters/ prosthetic heart valves
Once endothelial surface is exposed, platelets adhere to collaged and initiate the formation of a sterile thrombus – Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE)
List the common pathogens that cause infection for endocarditis
- Staphylococci Aureus ( more virulent)
- Streptococci ( specifically Viridans)
- HACEK bacteria: Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella)
- oral cavity - Acute Rheumatic Fever : Group A beta-hemolytic stretpococcal infection (GABH) – starts as pharyngitis
Note that in a rural area with not IV drug users, Strep Viradans infection is greater than staph aureus
Mechanism for infections endocarditis
Formation of thrombus ( NBTE – nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis) is caused by endothelial injury that caused platelets to aggregate and form a sterile thrombus through fibrin deposition.
Fibrin-platelet deposit = surface of adherence by bacteria.
Fibrin then covers organisms and protects them from host defenses by inhibiting chemotadis and migraiton of phagocytes
Acute Endocarditis Clinical Presentation:
Acute onset of high-grade fever and shaking chills
Rapid onset of Cardiac Heart failure due to structural damage
- rapid valve failure
HIghly virulent organism attacking a normal valve
* Cerebellar complications – large mobile and on mitral valve
High morbidity and mortality even with appropriate therapy/surgery
Subacute endocarditis Clinical Presentation
Low grade fever with non-specific fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and “flu-like” symptoms
* fever may be absent in elderly
Less virulent organims but also happens due to an already abnormal valve
* Aortic valve (most common), Mitral valve (2nd common)
Tricuspid Valve ( tricuspid regurgitation) – IV drug users
Endocarditis is assumed to be correct diagnosis (until proven otherwise) when what two criteria are present?
New regurgitant murmur + Recurrent/ unremitting fever
Clinical Features of infectious Endocarditis – physical findings
- Osler nodes: painful fingertip nodules
- Janeway Lesion : painless palm or sole erythematous lesion
- Splinter Hemorrhages: petechia nail bed
- Roth Spots: Retinal hemorrhage
- 90% of patients have a murmur
Rheumatic Fever Clinical features:
- who does it affect?
- when does it present?
2-3 weeks after streptococcal infection
Rheumatic Fever major criteria:
J- Joints : polyarthritis : swelling, redness, warmth, tenderness
O– carditis – aortic or mitral regurgitation
N–Nodules (subcutaneous)
E– Erythema marginatum
S– Sydenham chorea: uncoordinated involuntary purposeless movements
- patient cannot maintain clenched fists
Rheumatic fever minor criteria:
C– CRP increased
A– Arthralgia
F– Fever
E– Elevated ESR
P – Prolonged PR interval
L– Leukocytosis
What are the requirements needed to diagnose RF?
2 major criteria
1 major criteria and 2 Minor criterias
* throat culture and take blood titers of antibody. ** GO WITH BLOOD TITERS**
Recall that patients come 2-3 weeks after suffering from RF – may no longer be in throat