11 07 2014 Hemostasis Flashcards
What is the primary initiating event of hemostasis?
hemostasis: bleeding and clotting
Damage to a blood vessel/ endothelium injury
- blood exposed to tissue factor, von willebrand factor, collagen
What is a platelet and where does it come from
produced in bone marrow– bleb off of megakaryocytic cytoplasm. They contain granules full of important chemicals.
Life span is 7-10 days
Primary Hemostasis
Formation of platelet plug
- Activation:
When blood vessel is damaged, sub endothelial cell matrix is exposed ( collagen* and vWF and Tissue Factor)
vWF is released from damaged endothelium and binds to exposed collagen
- Adhesion
Platelets attach to vWF via GPIb receptor - Aggregation
Binding of platelets to vWF activates platelet cell surface receptors : GPIIb/IIIa
- binds fibrinogen
= 3D platelet-fibrinogen mesh = Platelet plug
Changes shape of platelet (pseudopods and platelet granulation)
- Secretion:
Degranulation – release of granules (alpha granules and dense bodies- increase aggregation and platelet activation) activates more platelets = bind to fibrinogen and make a thicker platelet plug
What are the receptors on platelets crucial for hemostasis?
Absence of above = Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia, bernard Soulier syndrome
Facter V and III receptors ( and maybe VIIa receptor)
receptors for neutrophils, monocytes
- components of dead neutrophils can activate platelets and other clotting events
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF)
- describe protein
- who processes it and why?
- Where is it usually found?
- What are the two important functions of vWF?
protein - multimer
Rapidly processed by ADAMTS13 metalloprotease
- if not processed = bind and activate platelets in an unregulated manner
Found in alpha granules of platelets OR in vascular endothelium cells
- facilitates platelet adhesion to the vessel wall by linking platelet membrane receptors to the subendothelial matrix
“ the glue” - plasma carrier for factor VIII
- extends half-life of Factor VIII from 8-15min to 13 hours
Details about the process of Secretion in primary hemostasis. Explain why aspirin/ NSAIDs interfere with platelet function
Granule secretion is a phospholipid dependent event
Exposure of the platelet to collagen initiates a series of events in which arachidonic acid (lipid bilayer of the platelet) is converted to thromboxane A-2 by cyclo-oxygenase 1 (Cox-1)
Presence of thromboxane A-2 = secretion
- it is also a potent vasoconstrictor (enhancing blood stasis
Aspirin blocks COX-1
What exactly do dense bodies do and what is the name of the syndrome when they are not present?
Dense bodies are stored in the granules of platelets. They increase platelet activation
Syndrome: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
Severe Thrombocytopenia
- causes
- signs/symptoms
decreased platelet numbers.
- not being made
- being destroyed
- sequestered – Check spleen
Bleeding in mouth and gums
petechia– pinpoint red dots
Von Willebrand disease
Autosomal Dominant
deficiency of VWF = can’t stop a bleed after an injury quick enough.
Recall that vWF carries factor 8!! So deficiency in VWF = have an effect on factor 8 (may be less because of short half life when vwf is not around)
What causes a prolonged bleeding time
- vascular fragility
- Collagen abnormality (Marfan syndrome)
- Low platelet count
- low or abnormal vWF
- Abnl platelet function
PT test
Prothrombin time
Evaluates the extrinsic coagulation system down to the formation of the fibrin clot
* VII, X, V, II, I (separate test)
Normal reference is 11 to 15 seconds
PTT test
Partial Thromboplastin time
Evaluates the intrinsic coagulation system down to formation of a fibrin clot
* VII, XI, IX, VII, X, V, II, I
Normal reference is 25- 40 secs
What would you suspect if PT is prolonged?
Fact VII deficiency
- life threatening bleeds
What would you think of if a patient has a prolonged PTT?
deficiency: 8, 9, 11, 12
Factor 12 deficiency has no bleeding problems
PT and PTT are both prolonged
Factor II deficiency, V, 10
Platelet Function Analyzer –PFA- 100 test
measures time for platelets under shear stress to clot off aperture
- glass tube coated with collagen and epinephrin or ADP (platelet activators)
specific for vWD and platelet dysfunction but NOT sensitive to common late let defects
- this is not a screening test, it is a diagnostic test
PFA- 100 test
measures time for platelets under shear stress to clot off aperture
specific for vWD, not sensitive to common late let defects
- this is not a screening test, it is a diagnostic test
Platelet flow cytometry
Platelets are labelled with antibodies directed against surface membrane glycoproteins
CD42b — GPIb : inhibits ristocetin – depndent binding of vWF
Platelet flow cytometry
Platelets are labelled with antibodies directed against surface membrane glycoproteins
CD42b — GPIb : inhibits ristocetin – depndent binding of vWF
antibiotic that causes clotting
— the platelets clot in presence of von Willebrand factor when exposed to this antibiotic
irreversibly acetylates and inhibits platelet COX-1
blocks ADP activation of GPIIb/ GPIIIa receptor complex
- block binding to fibrinogen = block the 3D platelet plug
ReoPro or Abciximab
Anti- integrin monoclonal antibody that binds GP IIb/ IIIa
- block binding to fibrinogen = block the 3D platelet plug