11/15 Chapter Test Review Flashcards
What is an area settled and ruled by the government of a distant land?
What is a moment in history that marks a decisive change?
Turning Point
What does it mean to travel all the way around the Earth?
What is the global exchange of goods and ideas resulting from the encounter between the peoples of the Eastern and Western hemispheres?
Columbian Exchange
Who were seafaring people from Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, and Finland)?
What was the line that ran from the North Pole to the South Pole where Spain received all the land West of the line and Portugal was given all the land East of the line?
Line of Demarcation
What was the treaty which moved the line of demarcation further west, evening up the land distribution?
Treaty of Tordesillas
Who discovered the Pacific Ocean, but originally called it the South Sea?
Who was the first person to circumnavigate the globe?
What is a Spanish explorer who claims lands in America for Spain?
What were towns in the Spanish colonies called?
What were forts where soldiers lived in the Spanish colonies?
What were religious settlements that aimed to spread a religion into a new area?
What were people who were from Spain who held a position of power in a Spanish colony?
What were people born in Spain’s American colonies to Spanish parents?
What were people of mixed Spanish and Indian background?
Who was the conquistador in which destroyed the Incan Empire?
Who was the conquistador that was looking for the Fountain of Youth, but found St. Augustne?
Ponce de Leon
Who was the conquistador that was looking for the Seven Cities of Gold, but found the Grand Canyon?
Who was the Spanish priest who criticized the mistreatment of the Indians?
Fr. De Las Casa
Who were people mixed of Spanish and African?
What was the system where Spain granted land to the Spaniards to come and settle in America?
Encomienda System
What was the direct water route way up North that was never found?
Northwest Passage
What were French fur trappers?
Coureur de bois