107-II RFM Flashcards
What type of engine is in the 107II?
What is two engine max continuous power
1250 SHP
No limit
NG - 100.3%
T5 - 660 deg C
What is one engine inoperative takeoff power?
1500 SHP
2-1/2 min
NG - 103.6%
T5 - 758 deg C
What is the single engine inoperative maximum continuous power
1400 SHP
30 min
NG - 100.3%
T5 - 696 deg C
What must be done if takeoff power is used in a cumulative excess of five minutes during any one emergency?
Engine must be inspected in accordance with the GE commercial engine maintenance manual
What is the NG overspeed limits range?
103.6% - 105.3% for 15 seconds
What is the NG overspeed limit?
What is the maximum permitted speed for 2 1/2 minute single engine rating?
What is the maximum permitted Nf speed for 15 seconds?
What type of rotor blades for the 107II have?
What size fuel takes does the 107II have?
175 gal or 190 gal
What is Category “B” weight limits
landing and inground effect = 2000 lbs.
*Max weight maybe extended temp and altitude
What is the max takeoff weight for External Category “B” ?
2200 lbs. and maybe limited by the hover performance chart
When must an external load be jettisonable?
When any weights are above the takeoff, landing and in ground limits.
What is the Trans oil pressure?
20-85 psi
Where is the datum located in the 107II?
103.6” forward of the forward jacking point
What are the start up limitations?
No more that 3 starts in any 30-min is prohibited.
*Unless in a emergency condition
What is the max takeoff T5 temp?
696 deg C for 5 min.
*30 min during emergency
What is the max continuous T5 temp?
660 deg C
What is the max T5 temp for one engine at 2-1/2 min power?
758 deg C
What is the oil pressure limits?
8-75 psi
What is max contiguous power?
100% NR - 70% Torque
94% - 70%
What is the Trans oil pressure?
20-85 psi
Does the fuel boost pump need to be on for flight?
What Pa must you descend to in the event of a boost pump failure?
4000’ Pa
Usable fuel in a 175 gal tank?
2 gal
The rotor break is prohibited when NR is below
What is the fuel pressure range?
190-995 psi
What is the oil pressure limits?
8-75 psi
is the 107II allowed to fly in known icing?
are you permitted to crossfeed the tanks?
Emergency only and only up 400 lbs. remaining.
Ideal transfer is at 600 lbs.
What is OAT is prohibited in visible moisture with engine inlet screens installed?
+2 deg C
What temp must anti-ice and pitot heat be ON?
+4 deg C
What is the limit for starting rotor in high winds?
gust in 16 kts.
The rotor break is prohibited when NR is below
At what percent does the low fuel light come on at?
25% or 200 lbs. which gives you 20 min of fuel.
what is the fuel burn for the 107II?
600 lbs. per hr., per engine.