106 Flashcards
What is the name of the pub?
Amphibious Air Traffic Control Center - the centralized air traffic control agency for LHA/LHD responsible for maintaining the status and operational control of aircraft departing the ship and recovery of inbound aircraft after a mission is completed.
A pilot indicating that the visual landing aid is in sight.
A term used by pilots to indicate the source on the OLS is not in sight.
A signal for aircraft to land aboard the ship. A number suffix indicates time delay in minutes before landing may be anticipated.
A pattern around the ship used to hold aircraft pending further clearance or assignment. Pilots shall hold at assigned maximum conserve; directive for pilot to assume max conserve airspeed in the tower pattern at directed altitude.
Kilo Report
A pilot report indicating aircraft mission readiness.
Meatball (Ball)
A pilot report indicating that the VLA is in sight (amber beam of SGSI).
Case I
No lower than 1000/3
When it is anticipated that aircraft will not encounter IMC anytime during descent, break and pattern establishment or on departure and subsequent rendezvous.
Case II
Less than 1000/3 but not less than 500/1
On departure helos shall use Case I and maintain flight integrity clouds. If unable to maintain VMC proceed with Case III departure.
On approach Positive control shall be utilized until pilot reports ship in sight.
Case III
Less than 500/1 or there is no visible horizon, or when directed by CO or OTC
On departure climb straight ahead to 500 ft and intercept 3 mile arc to departure radial. Upon reaching radial turn outbound and climb to assigned alt.
Positive control shall be provided by AATCC from letdown through final approach until pilot reports ship in sight and requests to proceed visually
Detachment Support - Berthings
Officers - embarked pilots shall be assigned staterooms commensurate with their rank.
CPO - CPO Quarters
Enlisted - should be berthed in common compartment
Air Dept Manning/Ship Support of Flight Ops
The ship can support 10 hours of flight operations per day. Flight operations that are not in support of an ongoing operation or contingency shall adhere to the scheduled 10 hour continuous flight ops from first launch to last recovery.
DLQ Qualifications for LHA/LHD (NATOPS is more stringent)
Initial: 5 day and 5 night
Requal: 2 day and 2 night
What does an air plan consist of?
Event number
Launch time
Recovery time
Number and model aircraft
Call sign
Circuit designator
Other info required
For helicopter/tilt rotor operations, the following flight deck lighting and optical landing aids are required as a minimum for night or IFR operations…
Spot pad lights
Overhead floodlights
Deck edge lights
Deck surface floodlights
Rotary beacon signal
Low pressure sodium floodlights
Wave off lights
Prior to launch, AATCC shall brief…
Launch and recovery
Weather in the area and at diverts
Emergency data
ATC Data
Pertinent info not in air plan
Combat Cargo Officer
Responsible for the safe and orderly flow of troops, passengers, mail, and cargo.
Air Operations Officer
Responsible for coordination of all matters pertaining to flight operations.
Air Officer
Responsible for visual control of all aircraft operating in the control zone.
Concurrent Operations (Flight Ops from two ships in close proximity)
OTC shall promulgate SPINS that delineate the limits of each ship’s airspace control.
Electronic Control/IFF
Mode II codes shall be programmed to include aircraft side numbers unless operational requirements dictate otherwise.
When shall positive control be used?
Ceilings of 500’ or less, visibility of 1nm or less
WX phenomena that may cause difficulty to pilots
Mandatory letdown in thunderstorms
What is the responsibility of Green Crown?
Detection and ID for ESG
What is required when checking in with Green Crown?
Call sign
Mission number
What is the responsibility of ICEPACK?
Responsible for the mission control of airspace assigned to the ESG.
What is the responsibility of AATCC?
Other wise known as “Center”
Responsible for providing IMC approach and departure control services.
Also responsible for maintaining the status and tactical control of airborne helicopters during assaults.
What is the responsibility of tower?
Controls airspace within 5 nm and up to and including 2500’
What is the control area?
50 nm radius from surface to unlimited altitude
What is the control zone?
5 nm radius from the surface up to 2500’
What is the lateral separation criteria?
> 50 miles from ship: 5 mile separation
10 < 50 miles: 3 miles separation
< 10: 2 miles separation
On final or within 5 miles: 1.5 mile separation
What is the vertical separation requirement?
500’ from helos, 1000’ from fixed wing
Sector Designation
Used for deconfliction.
1: 000-090
2: 090-180
3: 180-270
4: 270-360
Five Categories of Emergencies
Comms failure
NAVAIDs failure
Aircraft system failure
Crew member injury or illness
Ship system casualty
What is the long yellow line through the flight deck?
Fixed wing tram line
What is the red/white line down the flight deck?
Fixed wing safe parking line
What is the Hotel flag and what does it mean?
White and red flag split in half, helo operations are occurring
What is the Foxtrot flag?
White flag with red diamond, fixed wing or mixed operations
How do requests go from helo to PriFly (tower)?
Pilot signals LSE, LSE requests clearance through flight deck supervisor, who is in contact with PriFly.
What are the 3 nonstandard helicopter landing patterns?
Cross deck
Around the Stern - 200’ and 45 degree intercept to the spot
Modified straight in
Four Reasons that Require a Waveoff
Command by PriFly or lost comm with PriFly
Command from LSE
Loss of visual of LSE
Aircrew feels approach can’t be safely completely
Prep Charlie
Aircraft shall conform to normal Carlie pattern entry procedures and once established in the pattern, conform to racetrack pattern
What shall departing aircraft report in Case III?
Established on departure radial
POPEYE with altitude
On top with altitude
A condition that may be prescribed for flight operations during day or night VMV under which positive comms control is waived and radio transmissions are held to the minimum necessary for safety of flight
Types of Control?
Non radar
Helicopter _____ routinely be deck taxied on the flight deck.
Should not
Helicopters _______ be towed or pushed while rotors are engaged.
Shall not
Only spots that _________ shall be used for for night helicopter launches.
Afford visual reference to the deck
Helicopters landing behind engaged tail rotor aircraft shall not _________ takeoffs or landings for LSE safety.
Conduct Cross cockpit
LSE helmet and jersey
Yellow / yellow
Plane captain helmet and jersey
Brown / Brown