105 - Hazardous Material / Hazardous Waste Environment Safety Fundamentals Flashcards
what is HAZMAT
material that, because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical characteristics, may pose a hazard to human health or the environment.
what is Hazardous waste
any discarded material that meets the definition of hazardous material.
what is the purpose of a MSDS
technical bulletins containing information about hazardous
what information can be found on a MSDS
-Control measures
-Hazardous ingredients
-Health hazards
-Physical and chemical characteristics
-Physical hazards
-Precautions for safe handling and use
-Emergency and first-aid procedures for exposure
-Routes of entry into the body
-Date of preparation of the MSDS or last change
what are the 6 categories of HAZMAT
-Flammable and combustible
-Toxic or poisonous materials
-Compressed gases
-Oxidizing materials
-Corrosive materials
what are the general procedures for reporting a Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste (HM/HW) spill
report to CoC
leave the area, do NOT investigate
what information should the individual who discovered a spill or initial response team report
-source of spill
-placard information
-personnel in vicinity
-Identification of spill material
-behavior of material
-anticipated movement
what is level A PPE when handling HM/HW and what PPE is needed
The greatest level of skin, respiratory, and eye protection
-Full face SCBA or forced air respirator
-Totally encapsulating chemical protective suit
-2 pair of gloves
-Steel toe boots
-Disposable protective suit, gloves and boots
what is level B PPE when handling HM/HW and what PPE is needed
highest level of respiratory protection but a lesser level of skin protection
Full-face SCBA or forced air respirator
Hooded chemical-resistant clothing
2 pairs of gloves
what are the minimum PPE requirements when handling HM/HW at level C
the concentrations and types of airborne substances is known and the criteria for using air-purifying respirators is met
- Full face air purifying respirator
- Hooded chemical resistant clothing
-2 pairs of gloves
what are the minimum PPE requirements when handling HM/HW at level D
a work uniform affording minimal protection: used for nuisance contamination only
-steel toe boots
what are the 9 different hazard classifications
Toxic materials
Radioactive materials
Corrosive materials
Hazardous gases
Flammable liquids
Flammable solids
what is the purpose of secondary labeling of HAZMAT when unit packages (marked packages that are part of a larger container) are removed from the shipping container
to preserve the continuity of the specific hazard warning
what is a hazardous material minimization center (HAZMINCEN)
storage areas used to consolidate the storage of hazardous materials in compliance with CHRIMP.
define CHRIMP
Consolidated Hazardous material reutilization & invintory mangment program
centralized inventory management, procurement, storage, issue/receipt/reissue, and collection/consolidation/offload of hazardous material.
what is the HICS
Hazardous Materials Inventory Control System (HICS)
Chemical tracking system providing “cradle-to-grave” tracking of the hazardous material used at a facility
Discuss the aspects of portable containment of oils spills on water
Booming most effective on calm and current free water for confinement
peat moss, straw, plastic, or straw is spread to absorb oil then skimmed and burned on shore.
what is the environmental impact of oil spills
blocks flow of Oxygen
contaminate drinking water
what is the environmental impact of grubbing operations
increased soil erosion
destruction of wildlife habitat
reduction of oxygen production
introduction of particulate matter into streams and riverbeds
what is the environmental impact of asbestos
wide range of asbestos-related disorders and mesothelioma.
what is Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
found in electrical transformers risk of leaking into the environment, linked to cancer.
What 7 elements are required on product labels in reference to Global Harmonization System
Signal Words
Hazard Statements
Precautionary Statements
Product Identifier
Supplier Identification
Supplemental Information
what is the purpose of the Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD)
address specific areas of environmental management such as conservation; air and toxics; water; hazardous
materials, storage tanks, spills, and pesticides; and waste