10.4 - Postnatal and child development 2/2 Flashcards
What are some stats about genetic disorders?
- 1 in 25 children born with a genetic disorder
- 1 in 45 children born with a congenital birth defect
- 1 in 10 children experience some kind of developmental delay in childhood
What is the aim of the NHS Healthy Child Programme?
NHS Healthy Child Programme aims to prevent disease and promote good health
- universal
- reduce health inequalities
What are the features of the NHS Healthy Child Programme? (6)
- health promotion (obesity prevention is a key aspect)
- supporting care giving and caregivers
- screening
- immunisation
- identification of high-risk families/individuals for additional support
- signposting - accident prevention, dental hygiene
What are the characteristics of a disease that can be screened for? (3)
- should be able to be identified early/before critical point
- treatable
- prevent/reduce morbidity/mortality
What are the fundamentals of a good screening test? (3)
- acceptable / easy to administer
- cost effective
- reproducible and accurate results
What are some examples of important early childhood screening? (3)
- newborn check
- newborn hearing screen
- blood spot check
What NHS health and development baby reviews are done? (4)
- newborn physical exam (within 72h) - weight, eyes, heart, hips and testes
- blood spot test (within 7d, ideally d5) - CF, sickle cell, congenital hypothyroidism, inherited metabolic diseases (e.g. PKU)
- newborn hearing test (3-5 weeks) - sometimes done in hospital before discharge, can be done up to 3 months
- infant physical exam (6-8 weeks) - with GP, as newborn physical but with length and head circumference, opportunity to discuss vaccinations
What does the Sure Start Programme aim to achieve?
- high level of investment in children’s community centres
- aims to help support families with under 5 year old children in low income households - how?
- encourage good diet
- providing vaccinations
- put health services and social services together, for individuals to access variety of resources for early development.
- parent & child education
- health promotion
What are the two types of developmental delay?
- global developmental delay
- specific developmental disorder
What is global developmental delay?
Significant delay in reaching two or more developmental milestones
What are specific developmental disorders?
Refers to delays in developmental domains in the absence of sensory deficits, subnormal intelligence or poor educational conditions
- learning disorders
- motor skill disorders
- communication disorders
What are some causes of global developmental delay? (5)
- chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Down’s syndrome, fragile X
- metabolic e.g. hypothyroidism, inborn errors of metabolism
- antenatal and perinatal factors - infections, drugs, toxins, anoxia, trauma, folate deficiency
- environmental-social issues
- chronic illness
What are some causes of motor skill developmental delay? (6)
- as an aspect of global developmental delay
- cerebral palsy
- congenital dislocation of the hip
- muscular dystrophies
- neural tube defects
- social deprivation
What are some causes of language skill developmental delay? (5)
- hearing loss
- autism spectrum disorders
- lack of stimulation
- impaired comprehension of language e.g. developmental dysphasia
- impaired speech production e.g. stammer, dysarthria
What commonly used assessment tools are there for developmental delay? (4)
- Schedule of growing skills (0-5y) - standardised test examining 8 criteria (locomotor, manipulative, self-care, social skills, hearing and language, speech and language, visuals and cognitive)
- Griffiths developmental scale (0-6y) - measures trends indicative of functional mental growth and the domains listed above through play activities
- Bayley scales of infant development (1m-42m) - assesses cognitive, motor and language skills
- Denver developmental screening tests (0-6y) - assesses ability in domains relative to % age blocks of children from a population who could achieve a skill by a particular age