104 FIRST AID Flashcards
What is the purpose of First Aid?
Save Life
Prevent Infection
Prevent Further Injury
What are the 3 types of Bleeding
Arterial- Squirts Bright Red
Venous- Steady Flowing, Dark Red
Capillary- Brick Like color, Oozes slowly
What are the 2 types of Fractures?
Simple (closed)
Compound (open)
What does M.I.S.T stand for?
Mechanism of Injury: cause
Injuries sustained or Illness: Further Injury
Symptoms + Vital Signs
What is the treatment for a chest wound?
seal the wound
What is the Rule of Nine?
Used to give a rough estimate on the total surface area burned
What is the treatment for an Eye Injury?
Cover the other eye, don’t pull anything out or mess with it. Cover as well
What is the treatment for Facial Wounds?
Nose Hose, No blockage of airway
How do you apply a Tourniquet?
High and Tight
What is Direct Pressure?
-Taking your hand and placing it directly over the wound. Apply enough force to stop the bleeding
What are some methods of transporting a victim?
Blanket Drag Fireman Carry Arm Carry Stretchers Pack-Strap Carry Metal Stretcher
Causes and treatment:
- cause: airway obstruction, deficient supply of oxygen to the body
- treatment: clear airway
Causes and treatment:
Do not move the casualty until the injured part has been immobilized by splinting (unless the move is
necessary to save life or to prevent further injury).
Do not attempt to set a broken bone
Causes and treatment:
- cause: cut/loss of limb; severe loss of blood
- treatment: direct pressure = bandage
indirect pressure = stop cap;
tourniquet = last resort
Causes and
treatment: Cardiac
- cause: complete stoppage of heart
- treatment: CPR or AED
Discuss symptoms of shock and its
- Symptoms: Clammy skin, weak rapid pulse, pale skin, loss of blood, and confusion
- Treatment: move to cover, elevate legs above heart, loosen heart, prevent chilling
What is Pressure Dressing?
-A pressure bandage holds a dressing close to the wound and applies pressure, to
stop the bleeding
Symptoms and Treatment of Shock
-Skin is cool & clammy and cool skin.Weak Pulse and Rapid. Nausea. Conscious/unconscious
Maintain ABC’s
Head down, Feet Elevated
Symptoms and Treatment of Electrical Burns
Symptoms: Entrance and exit wounds
Treatment: turn off power source, CPR; treating for shock; covering wounds with a dry dressing,
Symptoms and Treatment of Hypothermia
Symptoms: Anything below 95⁰
Treatment: Replace any wet or frozen clothing. Monitor breathing, CPR, immerse in tub of warm water.
Symptoms and Treatment of Frost Bite
Symptoms: ice like crystals form on skin, brittleness.
Treatment: re-warm, clean and Protect the tissue from additional injury
Symptoms and Treatment of Heat Stroke
Symptoms: Rapid Breathing to shallow, skin is hot, Constricted pupils, fast pulse, nausea, dizziness
Treatment: maintain open Airway, cover in cold packs, immerse in cold bath, give cool drink
what is Asphyxiation
Blockage in the airway
4 types of burns
What is Pressure dressing
applying padding/bandages directly over the wound to apply pressure.
What is Indirect pressure
applying pressure to pressure points to close artery (stop bleeding)
Causes/ Symptoms/ Treatment
Heat cramps
Excessive sweating resulting in painful cramps. Move victim to a cool place, give plenty of cool (not cold) water, adding 1 teaspoon of salt per liter/quart of water
Define Care under Fire
Actions conducted during the care-under-fire phase includes: (1) returning effective fire toward the source of hostile engagement; (2) tactical movement of the casualty and care provider to an area of cover and concealment; (3) and the rapid assessment for sources of massive extremity hemorrhage amenable to placement of a tourniquet, followed by rapid tourniquet placement if practicable.
Define Tactical Field Care
Rendered once the casualty is no longer under hostile fire. Medical equipment is still limited to that carried into the field by mission personnel. Time prior to evacuation may range from a few minutes to many hours
Define Tactical Evacuation
Rendered while the casualty is evacuated to a higher echelon of care. Any additional personnel and medical equipment pre-staged in these assets will be available during this phase