Discuss the Significance of March 5, 1942 as it pertains to the Seabees
Seabee Birthday
What qualities characterize the Navy/Marine Corps team as instruments to support the national policies?
Readiness, Flexibility, Mobility, Self-Sustainability
What is the U.S Navy Birthday
October 13, 1775
What led to the creation of the Seabees?
Navy needed builders that knew how to fight
What conditons led to the U.S navy?
- Taxation without Representation
- It needed to protect the waterside from the British Navy
What led to the creation of EOD?
Diffusion of bombs left after the war
Battle of Coral Sea
May 4-8, 1942
Location: between Australia and New Guinea
-Never saw each other.
-Fought only with aircraft from carriers.
American Losses: USS Lexington.
Japanese Loses: Shoho, Severally damaged Shokaku.
Japan VS U.S.and Australia.
Invasion of Normandy (France)
June 6, 1944
Location: Northern Coast of France
D-Day/Op Overlord
Largest amphibious attack
3 million troops crossed the English Channel.
Stormed 5 beaches: Juno, Gold, Omaha, Utah, Sword.
American Beaches were UTAH and OMAHA.
Germany vs Allied Forces (US, Canada, Brits, Free French.)
Battle of Midway
June 4-7, 1942
Turning point of war in Pacific theater of WWII
Japan lost 4 carriers, 1 cruiser, 258 aircraft
America lost Yorktown, 1 destroyer, 132 aircraft
US vs Japan
-1 month after the Battle of the Coral Sea
What led to the creation of Navy Divers?
- Swimmers and skin divers
- Employed as salvage and repair of ships.
- Rarely went below 60ft , Until 1912 diving equip. helped introduce subs
Discuss roles and responsibilities of the SECNAV
Formulates and implements policies and programs that are in line with National security and objectives established by president & Secretary
of Defense.
Discuss roles and
responsibilities of the
4-star admiral
- responsible to the SECNAV
for the Navy’s UTILIZATION of resources & operating EFFICIENCY of the operating forces.
Discuss roles and
responsibilities of the
The MCPON serves as the SEL of the Navy, and as an advisor to the CNO and to the CNP in matters
dealing with enlisted personnel and their families. The MCPON is also an advisor to the many boards
dealing with enlisted personnel issues
Discuss roles and
responsibilities of the
Fleet Master Chief
A fleet master chief petty officer (FLTCM) is a master chief who again has virtually the same
responsibility as command master chiefs, but for larger fleet commands.
There are four fleet master chief positions in the Navy
Discuss roles and responsibilities of the N-4 Supply Officer
Operating ships store, managing the clothing and small stores issue room, ordering and receiving general stores,
supplies, spare parts, and equipment.
Describe the EXW breast
waves - Navy’s heritage, the cutlass - enlisted force, the M16A1 - NECC mission area and the boat-
another NECC mission area. The background is the traditional waves of the Enlisted Surface
Warfare Specialist badge.