10.4 Air Operations Flashcards
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of the 5th of October 2012 and its subsequent amendments provide the technical requirements and administrative procedures related to Air Operations (Air Ops) pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the council
The regulation also establishes detailed rules for ramp inspections of operators’ aircraft under the safety oversight of another state when landing at aerodromes located in the territory subject to the provisions of the treaty.
It has 10 articles and 8 annexes.
Air Operations Annexes
The annexes establish the requirements to be followed by an air operator conducting:
Commercial air transport operations
Commercial specialised operations
Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft.
Non-commercial specialised operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
Air Operations (Air Ops) has eight annexes:
Air Operations (Air Ops) has eight annexes:
Annex I — Definitions of terms used in Annexes II - VIII
(EU) No 965/2012
This annex establishes the definitions for keywords that will be used in annexes II to VIII.
Aeroplane —
‘aeroplane’ means an engine-driven fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.
Contingency fuel
‘contingency fuel’ means the fuel required to compensate for unforeseen factors that could have an influence on the fuel consumption to the destination aerodrome.
Final approach and take-off area (FATO)
‘final approach and take-off area (FATO)’ means a defined area for helicopter operations, over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or land is completed, and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. In the case of helicopters operating in performance class 1, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available.
Performance class A aeroplanes-
‘performance class A aeroplanes’ means multi-engined aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines with an MOPSC of more than nine or a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg, and all multi-engined turbo-jet powered aeroplanes.
Annex II — Part-ARO: Authority Requirements for Air Operations
(EU) No 965/2012
This Annex establishes requirements for the administration and management system to be fulfilled by the CAA for the implementation and enforcement of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules regarding civil aviation air operations.
Annex III — Part-ORO: Organisation Requirements for Air Operations
This Annex establishes requirements to be followed by an air operator conducting:
(EU) No 965/2012
Commercial air transport operations (CAT)
Commercial specialised operations
Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
Non-commercial specialised operations with
complex motor-powered aircraft
Annex IV — Part-CAT: Commercial Air Transport Operations
(EU) No 965/2012
This annex establishes additional operational requirements to be followed and procedures to be established by an air operator conducting Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations.
Annex V — Part-SPA: Operations Requiring Specific Approvals
(EU) No 965/2012 AIR OPS
This annex establishes requirements to be followed by an air operator for specific operational approvals.
Annex VI — Part-NCC: Non-Commercial Operations with Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft
(EU) No 965/2012
This annex covers the requirements for non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (aeroplanes and helicopters).
Annex VII — Part-NCO: Non-Commercial Operations with Other-Than Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft
(EU) No 965/2012
This annex covers the requirements to be met by operators for non-commercial flights in-other than complex-motor-powered aircraft.
Annex VIII — Part-SPO: Specialised Operations
(EU) No 965/2012
This annex covers the requirements to be met by operators engaged in commercial specialised operations or engaged in non-commercial specialised operations where the aircraft is used for specialised activities such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation, patrol, aerial advertisement and maintenance check flights.
Air-OPS states that
“Prior to commencing commercial air operations, the operator shall apply for and obtain an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) issued by the UK CAA.”
The AOC constitutes the organisation’s approval to operate. To gain an AOC, the operator must show that they meet all the safety requirements, and they must allow the UK CAA access to their operation to ensure compliance.
The operator must also demonstrate that all of their aircraft have a valid Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA).
The organisation must not have an AOC issued by another state and they must have their principal place of business in the United Kingdom.
The organisation’s approval process for a AOC has to be like that looked at in Part‑145 and must create a lengthy document detailing how they comply. In this instance, it is called the Operator’s Manual (OM). This is similar to an exposition.
The organisation must, as part of the approval process, show the UK CAA that they have satisfied the maintenance requirements of continuing airworthiness regulation Part‑M for all its aircraft.
One of these Part‑M regulations is that each operator must have a CAMO or CAO that is, either integral to their organisation or a contracted company.
If the aircraft is a small aircraft not used for commercial air transport, then this continuing airworthiness function can be carried out by the operator or contracted completely to another CAMO or CAO approved under Part-M Subpart G, Part-CAMO, or Part-CAO.
In the case of a large aircraft and aircraft used for Commercial Air Transport (CAT), the continuing airworthiness function must be carried out by the operator who must gain Part‑M Subpart G or Part‑CAMO approval as part of his Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC).
Issue of the Air Operator Certificate
An operator is not be granted an AOC or a variation to an existing AOC and that AOC does not remain valid unless the aeroplanes operated have a standard certificate of airworthiness issued in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 748/2012.
An AOC specifies the following:
-Name and location (principal place of business) of the operator
-Date of issue and period of validity
-Description of the type of operations authorised
-Type(s) of aeroplane(s) authorised for use
-Registration markings of the authorised aeroplane(s)
-Except that operators can obtain approval for a system to inform the Authority about the registration markings for aeroplanes operated under its AOC
-Authorised areas of operation
-Special limitations
Special authorisations and approvals, for example:
CAT II/CAT III (including approved minima)
Min Nav Perf Spec (MNPS)
Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Continued airworthiness of the aircraft is always the responsibility of the operator, unless clearly stated in a contract when aircraft are leased to a third party. As part of their AOC approval, the operator must demonstrate how they intend to ensure that their aircraft remain in an airworthy condition.
Maintenance Programme
The operator must also create and gain approval for the aircraft Maintenance Programme to be used for each aircraft. This document details which maintenance actions must be carried out at which intervals during the life of the aircraft in order to keep it in an airworthy condition. The approval comes from the CAA.
Programme Basis
An operator’s maintenance programme should normally be based upon the Maintenance Review Board Report (MRBR) , where available, and the Type Certificate’s holder’s Maintenance Planning Document (MPD), or Chapter 5 of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM)
For a newly type-certificated aircraft, where no previously approved maintenance programme exists, it will be necessary for the operator to appraise the manufacturer’s recommendations (and the MRBR, if applicable) together with other airworthiness information, in order to produce a realistic programme for approval.
Programme basis
For existing aircraft types, it is permissible for the operator to make comparisons with maintenance programmes previously approved. however A whole series of requirements must be ascertained before approval can be granted - including things like aircraft or fleet utilisation, landing rate, equipment fit and, in particular, the experience of the maintenance organisation.
Reliability programmes should be developed for aeroplane maintenance programmes based upon Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) logic.
(Operator’s responsibilities)
The operator must also create an aircraft technical log book for each aircraft which then has to be approved by the CAA.
Part-145 Maintenance
The operator must also demonstrate how it will ensure that all the maintenance actions can actually be performed. If the organisation has no Part-145 approval of its own, then a contract must be put into place with a Part-145 organisation. The technical aspects of this contract must be acceptable to the CAA.
Minimum Equipment List
Another requirement is the operator’s Minimum Equipment List (MEL). The MEL is a document which must be created by the operator and approved by the CAA. It details which systems or components may be inoperative at the time that the aircraft is dispatched. The MEL is created and approved for one aircraft or one fleet only and is not valid for any other aircraft. Once the MEL is created and approved, the organisation must operate in compliance with it. The CAA may in exceptional circumstances allow operation outside the terms of the MEL but never outside the terms of the manufacturer’s Master MEL (MMEL).
Common Language
An operator must ensure that all crew members can communicate in a common language. The operator must also ensure that all personnel are able to understand the language in which those parts of the operations manual that pertain to their duties and responsibilities are written.
Aircraft Maintenance Programme
The maintenance of each aircraft is performed under the responsibility of the aircraft operator according to a maintenance programme that has been approved by the UK CAA.
This programme is derived from the maintenance programme provided by the aircraft manufacturer, the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD).
The MPD of the manufacturer is derived from three different sources:
The Maintenance Review Board (MRB).
The certification regulations of the aircraft type and its operational demands.
The follow‑up of the aircraft operation and the feedback from experience leads to additional specific tasks to maintain the airworthiness of the aircraft.
The aircraft manufacturers have developed a method named Maintenance Steering Group‑3 (MSG‑3) to develop this programme and the tasks for the corresponding maintenance.
Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report
The MRB report provides to the operator the minimum and initial maintenance programme of the aircraft, with the tasks and application frequency.
The organisation of the report reflects the organisation of which it combines the results
General rules applicable to the total aircraft programme
Maintenance programme systems and power plant
Maintenance programme structures
Zonal maintenance programme
Specific American (US) requirements
Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)
As indicated above the MRB report only contains the initial maintenance programme of the aircraft, at the time of its first commercial operation.
The MPD follows that initial document to incorporate the in-service findings during the life of the aircraft.
These in-service findings are taken from
Airworthiness Directives (AD) imposed by the certification authorities
Service Information Letters (SIL) of the aircraft manufacturer
Service Bulletins (SB) for inspection
Structure Significant Items (SSI) were entered into the structure maintenance programme. Part of this category is those items which contribute significantly to loads applied during flight, ground loads, pressurisation, and where a failure threatens the structural integrity and the safety of the aircraft.
The selection of SSI depends on two factors:
The consequences of failures in critical locations: the identity of the locations which contribute significantly to withstand the loads and where the result for damage tolerance and safe life must be confirmed.
The failure probability, determined in accordance with the knowledge of the obtained loads, the operational environment, and the identification of the destinations which contribute to damages in line with three causes of damage: accidental damage, deterioration due to the environment and fatigue damage.
Structure programme
Additionally, there are specific zones of concern which are exposed to corrosion (such as toilets, galleys, belly, and corrosion-affected zones under stress). Also, those zones exposed to accidental exterior damage or to maintenance errors must be considered (door thresholds, zones of maintenance activities or exposure to leaks of corrosive fluid).
Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) list items of aircraft systems/equipment that can be unserviceable at time of departure under specified conditions stipulated in MMEL. It is Produced by the manufacturer for a particular aircraft type and approved by the state of design.
Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is prepared by an operator based on the MMEL and approved by an NAA (FAA, EASA CAA etc). It can be more restrictive than the MMEL but not less restrictive
Configuration Deviation List (CDL)
Configuration Deviation List (CDL) identifies any external parts of an aircraft type which may be missing at time of departure under specified conditions in the document. It is produced by the manufacturer for a particular aircraft type and approved by the state of design it normally forms part of Flight Manual.
Notwithstanding (a), for operations under visual flight rules (VFR) by day with other-than complex motor-powered aircraft taking off and landing at the same aerodrome or operating site within 24 hours, or remaining within a local area specified in the operations manual, the following documents and information may be retained at the aerodrome or operating site instead:
noise certificate;
aircraft radio licence;
journey log, or equivalent;
aircraft technical log;
NOTAMs and AIS briefing documentation;
meteorological information;
notification of SCPs and special loads, if applicable; and
mass and balance documentation.
in case of loss or theft of documents specified in (a)(2) to (a)(8), the operation may continue until the flight reaches its destination or a place where replacement documents can be provided.
2 to 8
the original certificate of registration;
the original certificate of airworthiness (CofA);
the noise certificate, including an English translation, where one has been provided by the authority responsible for issuing the noise certificate;
a certified true copy of the air operator certificate (AOC), including an English translation when the AOC has been issued in another language;
the operations specifications relevant to the aircraft type, issued with the AOC, including an English translation when the operations specifications have been issued in another language;
the original aircraft radio licence, if applicable;
the third party liability insurance certificate(s);
With regards to markings and identification the aircraft must contain the following:
Specified markings and placards
Any additional information, instrument markings, and placards required for the safe operation if there are unusual design, operating, or handling characteristics
Each marking and placard must be displayed in a noticeable place; and cannot be easily erased, disfigured, or obscured.
Markings include:
-Door handle operation
Emergency exit locations
Emergency equipment - Located throughout the cabin area.
Fire extinguisher location - Appropriate symbols may also be used to supplement such a placard or sign.
No smoking
Fasten seatbelts
Life jacket locations
Life rafts locations
Emergency locator transmitter locations - located at the rear of the aircraft in a dedicated compartment.
First aid equipment locations
Supplemental oxygen - Located with the first aid kits.
Emergency Break-in Points
General information and guidance on the break-in areas are provided in Air Ops CAT.IDE. A.260
Areas of the fuselage suitable for a break-in by rescue crew are to be marked by hashed line rectangles.
An operator shall ensure that areas of the fuselage that are suitable for an external break-in by rescue crews are marked in a certain manner.
The colour of the markings must be red or yellow
Emergency exits, and signs giving directions to the exits, must be clearly marked and have an emergency illumination source.
An emergency lighting system independent of the main lighting system must be installed.
Internal Doors
Doors located on passenger escape routes must be marked with a placard to indicate that they must be secured during landings and take-offs.
Part‑CAT states that if the aircraft has a seating capacity of nineteen passengers or more then there must be a door between the flight deck and the passenger compartment, and it must be marked “Crew Only” and must be lockable to prevent passengers from entering.
Each external door must be placarded as ‘Exit’ or “Emergency Exit” and must bear instructions for the operation of the door.
In the case that the door is inoperative it can be possible to dispatch the aircraft (in accordance with the MEL) but the exit must be placarded with a red and white “No Entry” sign and the exit and opening instructions placards must be covered.
Fasten Seat Belt Signs
Aircraft, where the flight crew cannot see all passengers, must be equipped with a means of indicating to passengers when seat belts shall be fastened and when smoking is not permitted.
National Marking
Aircraft National Registration Markings, ‘G’ for Great Britain
An aircraft (other than an aircraft permitted to fly without being registered) shall not fly unless it bears its national registration markings, painted in the manner required by the law of the country in which it is registered, with the nationality and registration marks required by that law.
The MEL must be based on the MMEL, if available, and must not be less restrictive than the MMEL