104 Admin Fundamentals Flashcards
For the term “commanding officer” who do they include?
Commanding officers of all services, and their civilian equivalents within the U.S. Federal Government
Who are reporting seniors by virtue of their command authority?
Commanding Officers
What is a Delegated Reporting Senior?
Is an actual transfer of authority and not merely an authorization to sign “by direction”
What does ISIC stand for?
Immediate Superiors in Command
What are ISICs?
Are reporting seniors for assigned commanding officers.
When are ISICs authorized to assume the reporting senior authority?
Of subordinate commanding officers whose capacity to act as reporting senior becomes impaired
Who may act as reporting seniors for E-4 and below?
Chief petty officers (E-7 to E-9)
What do the evaluation reports on E-6 and below require?
Signatures of a rater and senior rater as well as the reporting senior
Who is typically the senior rater for an E-6 and below eval?
The division officer or department head
When are performance counseling’s given?
Mid-point of the periodic report cycle and when the report is signed.
Who will the counselor be for performance counseling?
A supervisor who participates in the member’s EVAL or FITREP preparation.
What does the performance counseling identify and address?
It identifies the members strengths and motivates their further improvement. It also addresses important weaknesses.
What should never be promised during a performance counseling?
A future promotion recommendation
What are the three types of reports?
Regular Reports
Concurrent Reports
Operational Commander Reports
What are the foundation of the performance record?
Regular Reports
What do Regular Reports cover?
Day to day, all Naval service on active duty or in drilling Reserve programs, except for initial entry training.
What do Concurrent reports provide?
A record of significant performance in an additional duty (ADDU) or temporary additional duty (TEMADD) status.
What two reports are optional?
Concurrent and Operational Commander reports
How may Operational Commander reports be submitted?
The may only be submitted on commanding officers or officers in charge by operational commanders who are not also their regular reporting seniors.
What does PIM stand for?
Performance Information Memorandum
What is a PIM used for?
To report performance information to another command for consideration in a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL.
When may a PIM be used?
Duty, TEMDU, DUINS, TEMDUINS for a period of 3 months or less in a place of a regular report, TEMADD of any length as an alternative to a concurrent report.
What do the administrative blocks identify?
The report, define the context in which it was received and make it more informative to retailers and selection boards.
What is a 5.0 grade reserved for?
Performance far above standards and notable for its exemplary or leadership quality.
What is 1.0 grade reserved for?
Means poor performance, which is not improving or unsat performance.
For the majority of sailors and officers will get which trait grades?
What should the comments block be based on?
Verifiable facts
What should you not use in the comments blocks?
Underlying, Boldface, Italics, Centering, or Highlighting
What reports can you have entire or partial handwritten comments?
E-4 and below
The rater of an E-6 and below eval should be?
A navy chief petty officer, unless one is unavailable then it may be a military or civilian supervisor who is E-7 equivalent or higher
What style is preferred?
Promotion Recommendation Summary Groups are?
Early Promote, Must Promote, Promotable, Progressing, Significant Problems
What may not be directed as punishment or used as an alternate to the proper misconduct under the UCMJ?
Adverse or downgraded fitness and evaluation reports.
What shall the member do on their regular reports?
Sign it
When does the member receive a copy of the report?
At the time it is signed by their reporting senior
How long does the member have to submit a statement?
Two Years
What do you use the Standard Letter for?
To correspond officially with addressees in DOD.
What do you use an Endorsement for?
Transmitted “Via” your activity to forward comments, recommendations, or information.
What do you not use an Endorsement to reply to?
A routine letter
What does a memorandum provide?
An informal way to correspond within an activity or between DON activities.
What is the enlisted service record page NAVPERS 1070/602?
What does NAVPERS 1070/602 Part I contain?
An application for dependency allowances and used to capture military spouse data.
What does NAVPERS 1070/602 Part II contain?
Provides an immediate accessible, up-to-date record of emergency data
What is the enlisted service record page NAVPERS 1070/604?
What does NAVPERS 1070/604 contain?
USN/USNR enlisted members chronological history of their occupational and training related qualifications and their awards and commendations.
What is the enlisted service record page NAVPERS 1070/605?
What does NAVPERS 1070/605 contain?
Chronological record of duty assignments.
What is the enlisted service record page NAVPERS 1070/613?
What does NAVPERS 1070/613 contain?
A chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries which are not provided for elsewhere or where more detailed information may be required.
What is the purpose of the UCMJ?
Promotes good order and discipline and provides a basis for the administration of justice for the Armed Forces
What is responsible for upholding the UCMJ?
All members of the Armed Forces
Who is subject to the UCMJ?
~Regular or Reserve Component of the Armed Forces
~Fleet Reserve & Fleet MC Reserve
~Reserve Component while on inactive-duty training
~Army National Guard & Air National Guard
~Cadets, Aviation Cadets and Midshipmen
~Retired members of regular components who are entitled to pay
~Inductees from the time of their actual induction into the Armed Forces
~Volunteers from their time of their muster or acceptance into the Armed Forces
What are the three types of court martial?
Summary, Special and General
What is a summary court-martial composed of?
One active duty commissioned officer with the rank of captain or higher.
What’s the lowest level authority to convene a summary court-martial?
A battalion commander or equivalent.
What may a summary court-martial adjudge?
Any punishment not forbidden by the USMJ, except confinement for more than 1 month with hard labor, without confinement for more than 45 days, restriction for more than 2 months or forfeiture of more than 1 month’s pay.
What is it in the case of sergeants and above for summary court-martial?
May not reward a reduction of more than one rank and hard labor without confinement.
Except when may you refuse a summary court-martial and may request a special or general court-martial?
On a ship
What court-martial by conviction constitutes a felony?
Special or General
What is a special court-martial composed of?
A military judge alone or a military judge and three active duty armed service members
Who can not be on a commissioned officers court martial as an impartial personnel?
A warrant or enlisted person
If the person is enlisted, what fraction could the accused request to be enlisted?
Who is the lowest level to convene a special court-martial?
A Squadron or Battalion Commander or equivalent
What may a special court-martial adjudge?
Any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, including confinement for 6 months, hard labor w/o confinement for 3 months, or forfeiture of more than 2/3 pay for 6 months, a bad conduct discharge, and reduction in rank.
What is a General court-martial composed of?
A military judge alone or a military judge and not less than five impartial active-duty armed service personnel.
The impartial personnel on a Special and General court martial can be who?
Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers and Enlisted Personnel
Who is the lowest level to convene a General court-martial?
The Commanding general of a division, wing, base or the equivalent.
A General court-martial may adjudge?
Any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ.
What is the value of NJP to the commander?
It gives the commander the ability to maintain good order and discipline.
What is NJP given for?
Minor offenses of the UCMJ
When can someone refuse NJP?
Before the imposition of NJP proceedings.
When the accused refuses NJP what may they demand instead?
Trial by court-martial
When could the accused appeal the punishment?
If he considers it unjust or disproportionate to the offense.
What are the procedures to appeal?
A written statement why he thinks the punishment is inappropriate and submitted through the chain of command in 5 days.
What do leaders ad supervisors have a dual responsibility to do?
Maintain an environment of mutual respect in which civilian and military men and women can function.
Conduct appropriate and continuous training to prompt understanding and eliminate sexual harassment.
Sexual Assault is a what?
A criminal act and will not be tolerated.
Equal opportunity provides equal opportunity for who?
All military members without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age or national origin consistent with the physical and mental capabilities of the individual.
What is the MCO for Hazing?
MCO 1700.28
Under what article can you be charged with Hazing?
Article 92
What does fraternization violate?
Good order and discipline.
Describe behavior that would be considered fraternization.
Any behavior which would present the appearance of undue familiarity or informality between and among the ranks.
What are examples of fratenization?
Calling seniors by their first name or officers dating enlisted.
What does the Suicide Prevention Program emphasize?
The importance of data collection and analysis to inform, evaluate and refine future prevention efforts.
What is the Enlisted Distribution Verification lists?
A monthly statement of an activities enlisted personnel account.
How many sections are there on the EDVR?
EDVR sections 1-3 contain?
Info that has been extracted from the account because it requires special attention or action by the activity.
What else does section 3 of the EDVR contain?
An alphabetic listing of all enlisted members assigned to the activity.
What does EDVR section 4 contain?
Total personnel account of the activity, including those members reflected in sections 1-3.
What does EDVR section 5 contain?
Personnel Status Summary
What does EDVR section 6 contain?
Distribution Navy Enlisted Classification Code (DNEC)
What does EDVR section 7 contain?
NEC billet and Personnel Inventory
What does EDVR section 8 contain?
A list of individuals who are qualified in Navy Enlisted Classification Codes (NECs)
What does EDVR sections 9 and 10 contain?
Diary Message Summary and Duty Preference Listing
What does EDVR section 11 contain?
Individual security data, citizenship code, involuntary extension months, Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD), Time in Rate (TIR), Advancement Effective Date, and FORMAN Status and Action Date.
What style is preferred?
Promotion Recommendation Summary Groups are?
Early Promote, Must Promote, Promotable, Progressing, Significant Problems
What is a 4.0 promotion recommendation summary group?
Early Promote
What is a 3.8 promotion recommendation summary group?
Must Promote
What is a 3.6 promotion recommendation summary group?
What is a 3.4 promotion recommendation summary group?
What is a 2.0 promotion recommendation summary group?
Significant Problems
What does EDVR section 12 contain?
Liston of both officer and enlisted personnel in an embarked or Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) status to augment normal manning.