How many elements form the Marine corps mission?
7 Elements
1 Marine mission element:Provide FMF with combined arms and supporting air components for service with US Fleet in…
Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases or conduct land operations as they may be essintal for naval campaign.
2 Marine element mission: Provide detachments and organizations….
for service on armed vessles of the Navy security detachments for for the protection of naval property.
3 Marine element mission: devople in coordinator with other branches:
Landing operations
4 Marine element mission: provide Marine forces for
Airbourne operations
5 Marine element mission: develope with other branches equipment for…
Airbourne operations
6 Marine element mission: expand peacetime components to meet…
Wartime needs according to the joint mobilization plans.
7 Marine element mission: perform such other duties the…
President may direct.
How many chains of command in the USMC?
two parallel chains of command
What are the two parallel chains of command?
Service and operational.
Who is the COC for Service chain?
Who is the COC for operational chain?
Marfor is organized into MAGTF as either part of….
Naval expeditionary or serperatly as a larger joint or combined forces.
Marine MSCF includes approximately how many Marines?
MCSF protects what?
Key naval facilities, Marine barracks, detachments afloat and conus.
MCSF gaurds how many diplomatic posts/ embassies and countries ?
121 diplomatic posts, 115 countries
HQMC (headquarters Marine corps) consists of the Commandant of the Marine corps directly responsible to..
The seceraty of the navy
The commandant of the Marine Corps is directly responsible to the SEC NAV for
administration, discipline, internal organization, training, requirements, efficiency, and readiness of the Marine Corp.
The MAGTF is the marine corps principle organization for the conduct of..
all missions across the range of military operations
MAGTFs missions range from…to…
humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping to intense combat
Command Element (CE) is the MAGTF…
G-1 Division
personnel and administration
G-2 Division
intelligence and counter intelligence
G-3 Division
operations and trainings
G-4 Division
G-5 Division
G-6 Division
communications and information systems
The mission of Command Element(CE) is to provide..
command and control of the MEF
Command Element(CE) is responsible for the…
command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps level air, ground and logistical operations of assigned forces
MHG stands for
MEF headquarters group
MHG provides administration, training, and logistical support while in..
CONUS and forward deployed to the MEF or MEB command elements(CE)
designated as the Marine Corps service component for the U.S central Command
MFR Marine Forces Reserve mission is to
augment and reinforce active Marine forces in time of war, national emergency or contingency operations
An example of MFR community service is
Toys of Tots
ACE is tasked to support the
MAGTF mission
How many functions does the ACE have?
6 Functions
GCE is tasked to conduct
ground operations in support of the MAGTF mission
GCE is normally formed around an
infantry organization reinforced by artillery, reconnaissance, armor, and engineer forces.
GCE can vary in size from… to…
a rifle platoon to one or more Marine Divisions
LCE is tasked to provide
the full range of CSS functions and capabilities needed to support the continued readiness and sustainability of the MAGTF as a whole.
1st MEF is based in
Southern California and Arizona
2nd MEF is based in
North and South Carolina
3rd MEF is based in
Japan and Hawaii
Each standing MEF consists of a permanent
CE, one marine division, MAW and MLG
the MEB is a MAGTF built around a
reinforced infantry regiment, and aircraft group, and a CLR(FWD)
What rank commands a MEB?
Brigadier General
An expeditionary force is capable of rapid deployment and employment via
amphibious shipping, st6ratigic airlift, marrying with MPF assets or a combination thereof
The MEB CE exercises
command and control, commanded by a general
MEB ACE consists of a
Marine Aircraft group
MEB GCE is a
reinforced infantry group
the MEB LCE is a
MEU ACE reinforcements are what aircraft?
CH-46, CH-53, Cobra, UH-1EN, and Harriers
MEU GCE reinforcements consist of?
infantry Battalion, CEB, Artillery, Recon, Tanks, LAR, and AAV
MEU LCE reinforcements consist of?
Supply, Motor T, MED, Dental, COMM, NBC
Reinforcements of the MEU bring their
own stuff