1.02- The Planting of English America: 1500-1733 Flashcards
What three European outposts were established in the Americas by what nations and in what years?
- The Spanish at Santa Fe in 1610
- The French at Quebec in 1608
- The English at Jamestown, VA, in 1607
-French Protestants
-St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1572, +10,000 were butchered in Paris and throughout France by the Roman Catholics
Edict of Nantes (1598)
Granted religious toleration to French Protestants
-religious wars ceased, and France blossomed into might
Nickname of Samuel de Champlain?
Father of New France
-Approached Natives with diplomacy
-Explored Canada
coureurs de bois, voyageurs
“runners of the woods”
-French fur trappers
-responsible for many french place names
-established trading posts throughout North America
-fur trade wreaked havoc on the health and culture of the Natives
What role did the Jesuits play in the colonization of the Americas?
They didn’t make many permanent converts during their missionary explorations, but they did play important roles as
-and chroniclers of New France (Canada)
Who founded the city of Detroit in what year and for what purpose?
Antoine Cadillac founded the City of Straits in 1701 to thwart the English settlers from pushing into the Ohio Valley
Robert de la Salle
-Floated down the Mississippi in 1682 to the Gulf and named the area Louisiana
What was the significance of New Orleans in the early 1700s?
-Commanded the mouth of the Mississippi
-also tapped the fur trade of the interior valley
-became essential to France for trade with the natives
-and also to block Spanish expansion into the Gulf
Protestant Reformation (sixteenth century)
-Movement to reform the Catholic church
-Started by Martin Luther
-Encouraged the:
1. questioning of the Pope’s authority
2. elimination of the selling of indulgences
3. translation of the Bible from Latin
-Also planted religious conflicts with Ireland
Sir Francis Drake
-semi-piratical “sea dog”
-looted Spanish treasure ships and settlements
-in 1580 returned with a net profit for his backers (ie Queen Elizabeth I) of 4600%
-she literally knighted him for this
Roanoke Island (1585)
-Sir Walter Raleigh’s failed colonial settlement off the coast of North Carolina
Spanish Armada
-Spanish fleet defeated in the English Channel in 1588.
-The defeat of the Armada marked the beginning of the decline of the Spanish Empire
-laws that decreed only the eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates
Joint-Stock Companies
-investors (called “adventurers”) pooled capital to limit personal risk
-funded ventures and explorations into the New World
Virginia Company
-English joint-stock company that received a charter from King James I
-allowed them to found the Virginia colony
First Anglo-Powhatan War (1610-1640)
-Series of clashes between the Powhatan Confederacy and English settlers in Virginia.
-English colonists torched and pillaged Indian villages.
-Applied tactics used in England’s campaigns against the Irish.
Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1644-1646)
-Last-ditch effort by the Indians to dislodge VA settlements
-Resulting peace treaty (1646) formally separated white and Indian areas of settlement
3 Ds the Powhatans fell victim to:
-Disease: they were extremely susceptible to European-borne maladies
-Disorganization: they lacked unity and cohesion
-Disposability: they served no reliable labour sources and after the Virginians started to grow their own crops, no commodities to offer in commerce
New Netherland (1624-1664)
-North American Dutch colony centered in New Amsterdam (now NY)
-Though prosperous, this colony was conquered and absorbed by the English