101-120 Flashcards
Concession- Part II
Allows the reader to realize that the writer is fair and acknowledges several sides
When two or more words are joined together to coin a new word
Portmanteau- Part II
It involves the linking and blending of two or more words
Understatement; especially that in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary, as in “not bad at all”
Rhetoric reversal of the order of words in the second of two parallel phrases
A rhetorical term for the repetition of the last word of one line or clause to begin the nest
A verbally abusive attack
Using a lot of words to express an idea so as to effect an evasion in speech
Begging the question
Supporting a claim by restating the same claim just in different words
A less formal aphorism
A quality of realism that persuades the reader that he is getting a vision of life as it is
A confused, comically inaccurate use of a long word or words
The rising and falling rythm of speech especially free verse or prose
False Analogy
Error in assuming that because two things are alike in some ways, they are alike in all ways
Hasty Generalization
Unsound inference based on insufficient, inadequate, unspecified evidence
Non sequitur
A statement or idea that fails to follow logically from the one before
Post Hoc
Because one thing follows another, it is held to cause the other
Ad Hominem
Instead of attacking an assertion, the argument attacks the person who made the assertion
excessive talking
A bitter and abusive speech or writing