100 Words to Know Flashcards
acuity (n)
sharpness, keenness
adept (adj)
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
admonish (v); admonition (n)
warn, scold, caution
ambiguous (adj)
unclear meaning, two possible interpretations
apocalyptic (adj)
involving widespread devastation or ultimate doom
apocryphal (adj)
of questionable authenticity
appellation (n)
a name, title, or designation
archetype (n); archetypal (adj)
an original model, pattern, or type
ascertain (v)
to determine; to find out
assiduous (adj)
diligent, persistent
baize (n)
a type of coarse woolen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card tables
base (adj)
inferior, dishonorable
bastion (n)
a well-fortified position
berate (v)
to rebuke, reprimand, or scold
bourgeoisie (n)
the middle class
calumny (n)
slander; a false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation
cant (n)
tedious talk
censure (v)
to reprimand; to excommunicate or expel
coarse (adj)
lacking refinement or rough grained in texture
confute (v)
to prove to be wrong or in error
connoisseur (n)
a person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts
corporeal (adj)
having physical substance, material form
decry (v)
express strong disapproval of
defer (v); deference (n)
submit or yield to another’s wish or opinion
deliquesce (v)
to disappear as if by melting
dilatory (adj)
inclined to waste time and lag behind
disparage (v)
to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value them
draught (n)
a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room (archaic for draft)
dray (n)
a large low of carriage with four wheels pulled by horses
dyspeptic (adj); dyspepsia (n)
always angry or easily annoyed or having indigestion
elicit (v)
to call forth, draw out, or provoke
emit (v)
to send a beam, noise, smell, or gas
espionage (n)
spying; the discovering of secrets
facile (adj)
feign (v)
to pretend, to dissemble, to misrepresent
fester (n/v)
to become infected/an infection
festoon(ed) (v)
draped, decorated as for a parade or state event
fledgeling (adj)
new and inexperienced
gainsay (v)
challenge, dispute
genuflect (v); genuflections )n)
to bow as before a priest