100 french canadian expressions you might hear at my family gathering Flashcards
C’est ben l’fun!
It’s a lot of fun!
Tu fais quoi, là?
What are you doing right now?
Ben voyons donc!
Oh, come on! (expression of disbelief or surprise)
C’est pas grave!
It’s not a big deal!
T’es ben chanceux!
You’re so lucky!
J’ai de la misère avec ça
I’m having trouble with that.
C’est pas le bout du monde
It’s not the end of the world.
T’as-tu faim?
Are you hungry?
On va manger ben, là!
We’re going to eat well here!
Tant mieux!
Good for you! (used when something turns out well)
You bet! (a very strong “yes” or “definitely”)
Ah ben, coudonc!
Oh wow, really? (expression of surprise)
T’es ben fâché!
You’re really angry!
Fait que
So, therefore (used like “so” or “then”)
Vas-tu me faire ça, toi?
Are you really going to do that? (expression of surprise or disbelief)
Avoir un coup de cœur
To fall in love with something (can be used for anything, not just people)
Ça va ben aller
It’s going to be fine! (reassuring phrase)
On va-tu aller là?
Are we going there? (familiar, used when asking about plans)
Je suis poigné
I’m stuck, can’t get out of this situation
Ça fait du bien!
That feels good!
Sors-toi de là!
Get out of there! (often used playfully)
Écoute bien ça
Listen to this carefully!
Tu m’énerves!
You’re getting on my nerves!
C’est chill!
It’s cool, relaxed, easygoing.
C’est capoté!
It’s amazing, over the top!
Faut pas capoter!
Don’t freak out! (don’t get overly stressed)
C’est une vraie affaire
It’s a real deal, very serious or significant (used seriously or sarcastically)
T’es-tu correct?
Are you okay?
Pas en tout!
Not at all!
Mange pas trop vite!
Don’t eat too fast!
J’ai une claque
I’m tired, exhausted (literally “I’ve got a slap”)
C’est pas un p’tit peu!
It’s a lot! (often used when something is more than expected)
Là, tu me perds
You’re losing me, I don’t get it anymore
On y va à l’aveuglette
We’re going in blind (no plans or idea where we’re going)
Tu vas-tu t’arrêter de chialer?
Are you going to stop whining?
Ça c’est ben important
That’s very important!
Ben là, ça suffit!
Alright, that’s enough!
Laisse-moi faire!
Let me do it!