10: Threats: Religio and Heresy 1000-1300 Flashcards
key terms:
Elite/popular heresies
orthodoxy: Authorised and generally accepted theory/practice.
Judaism and Islam not heresies
- ‘elite’ and ‘popular’ heresies.
Religious Authority: what made Xn orthodoxy
Who was in charge of Christians in the West and who decided what was corect
a) 3 pivotal stages in relationship between lay people and Clergy
1: Christianity becomes orthodoxy, c.300 emeror Constantine and Pope Sylvester. Emperors gave Church Property
2: 11th c: conflict bwteeen church and state over ability to apoint chucrch locals. Poes make emperors.
3: Pope Innocent III and triumph of ‘papal monarchy’ 1198-1216. Now Popes rule even emperors. At his consecration, he said that pope “is less tha God bt greater than man judge of all men but judged by none”
The Nicerne Creed (4th c)
Statemet of belief used widely by Christian Liturgy
- Fostered ideas of Trinity, Creation and Incarnation
- Holy Trinity and God as Creator/ all powerful
What some didnt like about the Church
early heresy
- Political Activity; e.g. Arnold of Brescia Critique of the Papacy in 12th c
- Wealth and Economic Role: Aberwin of Steinfelds account of the Cathar Critique of Monks 1140s
- Social role: harebert of Perigords between 1000 and critique of Charity
- Moral Hypocrisy: Pierre Clergue and Montallou c.1300
- Moopoly of Sacraments: marriage, Baptism etc
Forms of Medieval Heresy:
Clerical View
a) Ademar of Chabannes C.1000 wrote of anti-semitism and how it in turn led to heresy in the muslim word forcing christians to die or convert
b) Psuedo-Apostles: tose wo dare preach: Valdes 1170 who gave up all belongings and began to preach volutary poverty/
c) Donatists in 12th c undermined priestly roles. E.g. Henry of Lausanne who preached to give up belongings and rejected invocation of saints
d) Lollards 14th c followers of John Wycliffe. Advocated translating Bible into English rejected baptism and confession
e) Brethren of the free spirit: 13th C: those who believed sacraments were not necessary for salvation
Forms of Heresy:
Historians view
a) Return of primitive church and apostolic christianity: Herbert Grundmann.
General themes of medieval history 1200-1500
Emergence of European States and nations as opposed to fuedal realms. Crisis in Kingship, Increased opportunity for lower classes, Increased revolt for lower classes. Increased questioning of medieval reasoning etc.
Heresy in Southern France
Primary Source
Chronicle of Peter on Cathars:
- Events from 1202-08
- Written from Catholic side, followed 4th Crusade. Campaigned against catharism
- Wrote in a way of Propaganda and exagerrated to give reason to crusades/opposition of heresy
- Likened heretics to robbers/criminals
- Also refers to people who are forced to convert as no longer being christian and being ‘one of them’. If you receive baptism of the heretics u reject baptism of the church