10. Organic Chemistry Flashcards
Structural Isomers
same molecular formula, different structure
Alkyl Group

Alkenyl (Alkenes)

Alkynyl (Alkynes)
Saturated Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons that contain no double/ triple bonds (alkanes)
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons that contain double/ triple bonds - Alkenes or Alkynes
R - X
X = F, Cl, Br, I
R - O-H
suffix: -ol
R - O - R’
midfix: -oxy-

suffix: -al

Carbonyl (Ketones)
suffix: -one

suffix: -oate
- first part is from the alcohol group
- second part is from the acid
- add -oate
- eg methyl ethanoate

Carboxyl (Carboxylic Acids)
suffix: -oic acid

Amino (Amines)
suffix: -amine

Carboxamide (Amides)
suffix: -amide

Cyano (Nitriles)
suffix: -nitrile

Phenyl (Arenes)
eg Benzene
Chemical Properties of Benzene
- Due to resonance energy/ stabilization energy of benzene, it is reluctant to undergo addition reactions but will undergo substitution reactions
- Delocalization minimizes the repulsion between electrons
Physical Characteristics of the Functional Groups
- volatile if
- small molecular weight
- non polar
- soluble if
- small molecular weight
- polar
- branching
- criss cross - less surface area > lower boiling point
- zig zag - more contact/ surface area > higher boiling point
(Alkane Reactions)
Chemical Properties
Catenation is the ability to form bonds between atoms of the same element
- Carbon is able to form strong covalent bonds
- Fairly unreactive
- Relatively strong, almost non-polar, single covalent bonds
- Have no real sites that will encourage substances to attack them
(Alkane Reactions)
Combustion Reactions
Complete Combustion
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) –> CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
Incomplete Combustion
CH4(g) + 1.5O2<strong>(g)</strong> –> CO(g) + 2H2O(l)
Homolytic Fission
- Equal splitting
- produces radicals
X : Y –> X• + Y•
- If several bonds are present the weakest bond is broken first
Heterolytic Fission
- Formation of a carbocation and a negative ion due to carbon losing it’s shared electron
- Unequal splitting
- Produces ions
X : Y –> X:- + Y+
X : Y –> X+ + Y:-
(Alkane Reactions)
Substitution Reactions
Methane + Cl2
Initiation - during initiation the weakest bond is broken as it requires less energy
- H-C = 412; C-C = 348; Cl-Cl = 242
- Cl-Cl –> Cl• + •Cl
Propagation - must start & end with a radical
- Cl• + H-CH3 –> Cl-H + •CH3
- •CH3 + Cl-Cl –> CH3-Cl + Cl•
- Cl• + •Cl –> Cl-Cl
- Cl• + •CH3 –> CH3-Cl
- CH3• + CH3• –> CH3-CH3
(Alkane Reactions)
Substitution Reactions
Methane + Br2
- Br2 undergoes homolytic fission
- 1 Br molecule joines with an H molecule which breaks away from CH4
CH4 + Br2 –(UV)–> CH3Br + HBr
(Alkene Reactions)
Chemical Properties
- sp2 hybridized at 120 degrees with an outer π bond that is the site of reactivity allowing range of addition reactions
- bonds in C=C are not as stable as single bonds –> energetically favorable to be converted to single bonds
- they have a high electron density making their activation energy low
Addition Reactions
- HX + Alkene –> Halogenoalkane
- Halogen + Alkene –> Halogenoalkane
- Water + Alkene –> Alcohol
- Polymerization

Summary of Alkene Reactions

(Alcohol Reactions)
Complete Combustion
C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) –> 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)
- Extreme form of oxidation
- Produces CO2 + H2O
Burns more cleanly than their equivalent alkanes
- O in the compound is available for combustion products so less CO made in limited O2 conditions
- Alcohols with longer chains have greater molar enthalpies, but may not be able to burn cleanly
- O in the compound is available for combustion products so less CO made in limited O2 conditions
- Energy released increases down functional group
Oxidation of Alcohols
(Tertiary vs Secondary vs Primary)
Tertiary Alcohol
- C4OH –> not easily oxidized (resistant to normal oxidation)
Secondary Alcohol
- C3HOH –> ketone C3O –> no further oxidation
Primary Alcohol
- C2H2OH –> aldehyde C2OH –> carboxylic acid C2OOH
Oxidation of Primary Alcohols
- Alcohol is dripped into a warm solution of acidified KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7
- K2Cr2O7 is reduced from orange to green
- Cr(IV) –> Cr(III)
- Aldehydes have low boiling points (no H bonding) ==> distill before being oxidized further
Reflux the mixture to produce acid
- condense back into mixture from aldehyde ==> oxidized to acid
Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols
CH3CHOHCH3 + [O] –> CH3COCH3 + H2O
propan-2-ol KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7 Propanone
- Alcohol is refluxed with acidified K2Cr2O7 –> ketone
- on prolonged treatment with a powerful oxidizing agent they can be further oxidised to a mixture of acids with fewer C atoms than the original alcohol
Condensation - Esterification
Carboxylic Acid + Alcohol <—> Ester + Water

Reactants with a non-binding pair of electrons that are attracted to a positive carbon (a form of electrophile)
Halogenoalkane Substitution Reactions
- Halogenoalkanes are reactive and undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions from nucleophile attack
R-X(l) + OH-(aq) –> R-OH(aq) + X-(aq)
with NaOH:
CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH3 + NaOH –> CH3CH=CHCH3 + NaCl + H2O
conditions: heat (boil)
Benzene Reactions: Electrophilic Substitutions
Nitration of Benzene
- Firstly sulfuric acid is stronger so it protonates the nitric acid
- with heat the electrophilic substitution by the nitronium ion causes a momentary loss of symmetry of the electron structure of benzene

Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds
- The oxidation of alcohols can be reversed by reduction
CH3COOH –[H+]–> 3CH3CHO –[H+]–> CH3CH2OH
carboxylic acid aldehyde primary alcohol
- Needs lithium aluminium hydride LiAlH4 in dry ether
(CH3)2CO –[H+]–> (CH3)2CHOH
Ketone Secondary Alcohol
- Needs heat with sodium borohydride NaBH4
Reduction of Nitrobenzene

Synthetic Route
A series of discrete chemical steps to change a reactant to a desired product

Configurational vs Conformational Isomerism
- can be interconverted only by breaking bonds
- can be interconverted by free roation about σ bonds
cis - trans Isomers
- Cis isomers are those with the same groups on the same side of the double bond or cyclical compounds
- Trans isomers have the groups on the opposite sides of the double bond

E / Z Isomers
- Isomers with more than 2 different groups, the group with the highest priority on the left hand side is determined, and then that of the right
- E Isomers - have these two groups opposite
- Z Isomers - have these two groups on the same side
- Priority rules
- the atom w/ highest atomic number
- if atom the same, apply rule to next bonded atom in chain

Properties of Isomers
- Inductive effect leads to polarity –> higher b.p.
- Limited/reduced intermolecular bonding –> lower b.p.
- Inductive effects balance –> lower b.p.
- Extensive intermolecular bonding –> higher b.p.
Chiral Carbons
- non-superimposable on each other
- exists in pairs - enantiomers
- diastereomers contain two or more chiral carbons –> not mirror images
Optical Isomers Activity
- Isomers differ in their reaction to plane-polarised light
- plane polarised light vibrates in one direction only
- one isomer rotates light to the right, the other to the left
- reotation measured by polarimeter
- if light appeares to have
- turned to the right –> Dextrorotatory (d / +)
- turned to the left –> Laevorotatory (l / -)
Racemate / Racemic Mixture
A 50-50 mixture of the two enantiomers (dl) or (+-)
- the opposite optical effects of each isomer cancel each other out
- Light source produces light vibrating in all directions
- polarising filter only allows through light vibrating in one direction
- plane polarised light passes through sample
- if substance is optically active it rotates the plane polarised light
- analysing filter is turned so that light reaches a maximum
- direction of rotation is measured coming towards the observer

Racemic Mixture other facts
- Formation of racemic mixtures is more likely in a lab reaction than in a chemical process occuring naturally in the body
- if a compound can exist in one form, only one of the optical isomers is usually effective
- the separation of isomers will make manufacturing more expensive
- a drug made up of both isomers will require a larger dose –> may cause problems if the other isomer is ‘poisonous’ - a tetratogen
Polar vs Non-polar Solvents
- Have dipole moments due to different electronegativities (solvents must be polar or won’t react with H2O)
- Similar electronegativities
Protic vs Aprotic Solvents
- Polar solvents with OH/ NH bonds allowing hydrogen bonding and a source of protons (eg water/ ethanol)
- A polar / non-polar solvent that do not have OH/ NH bonds nor provide a source of protons (eg acetone, benzene, hexane)
Electrophilic Addition Reaction - Ethene and Bromine

Electrophilic Addition Reaction - Ethene and HBr

Asymmetric Alkenes (Markovnikov’s rule)
The hydrogren will attach to the carbon that is already bonded to the greater number of hydrogens

Propene and HBr

SN2 Reaction Mechanism
- Involve heterolytic fission + nucleophilic substituion with primary haolgenoalkane
- unstable transition state created –> bimolecular
- Rate = k[halogenoalkane][nucleophile]
- Polar Aprotic Solvents preferred - unable to form H bonds (or solvent would bind to nucleophile inhibiting its action)

SN1 Reaction Mechanism
- Involve heterolytic fission + nucleophile substitution with tertiary halogenoalkane
Steric hindrance - halogen must be heterolytically removed to create a carbocation before nucleophile can be attached
- creates more stable intermediate –> reaction is unimolecular
- Polar protic solvents preferred -form H bonds which stabilize the carbocation by ion-diple interactions

Positive Induction
- Stabilization of a carbocation because the other alkyl groups can unevenly share their electrons with the positive centered carbon

Enthalpy Level Diagram: SN1
Carbocation intermediate

Enthalpy Level Diagram: SN2
Unstable transition state

SN2 / SN1 Reaction mechanism
Effect of Leaving Group
- As halogen-carbon bonds become less polar, it would be expected that the nucleophilic attack to be less and so rate decreases down the group
- F > Cl > Br > I
- In reality: energy to break bonds must be considered
- C-I > C-Br > C-Cl > C-F
SN2 / SN1 Reaction mechanism
Effect of Mechanism
- In general SN1 tertiary reaction rates are faster than SN2 primary due to the stability of the formation of carbocations
Tertiary > Secondary > Primary
SN1 SN1 & SN2 SN2