10) monopolistic competition Flashcards
define monopolistic competition
a market that shares some characteristics of monopoly and some of perfect competition
define product differentiation
a strategy firms adopt that marks their product as being different from their competitors’
characteristics: small/large number of firms?
a large number of firms
what does a large number of firms mean in terms of changes in price?
• A price change by one firm will have negligible effects on demand for rivals’ products because market share of each firm is low
how many firms?
no dominant firms, No firm has significantly more power than others
are there barriers to entry?
No (or low) barriers to entry
So if incumbent firms are making SNP, new entrants will be attracted and try to make their product slightly different (product differentiation)
are the goods homogenous or heterogenous?
Product differentiation
• Firms’ products are slightly different to competitors’ in some way
why is there brand loyalty?
Consumers perceive non-price differences among products leading to brand loyalty
how do firms maintain brand loyalty?
• Firms advertise to maintain brand loyalty
are there substitutes?
• Products in the market are fairly close substitutes
is demand price elastic or inelastic because goods are fairly close substitutes
• So demand is usually relatively price elastic (and more elastic the smaller the differences between products - and the better substitutes they are)
why is there a downward sloping demand curve?
A reduction in price would increase quantity demanded, so firms have some control over price. This is due to the price making power afforded by product differentiation
monopolistic competition, short run analysis: what are their objectives?
run. Firms are assumed to profit maximise, so produce at MC=MR leading to output Qo at a unit cost of ACo and price Po.
Po-ACo is the supernormal profit per unit, so the shaded rectangle Qox (Po-ACo) is the total SNP.
monopolistic competition, short run analysis: barriers to entry
Due to low barriers to entry, this SNP will attract new firms which will produce differentiated products; so this supernormal profit can only be earned in the short run.
monopolistic competition, long run analysis: why do the demand curves shift left?
Firms were attracted by the supernormal profits made by incumbent firms and were able to enter the market due to low barriers to entry. These new entrants cause established firms’ demand curves to Shift to the left as market demand is split between more firms.
monopolistic competition, long run analysis: what do incumbent firms do when there is increased competition?
increasing their spending on advertising, raising the average cost at all levels of output, shifting up the AC curve.
monopolistic competition, long run analysis: due to increased competition, what happens?
The combined impact is that competition in the long run competes away all the supernormal profit, leaving only normal profit and there is no further incentive for more firms to enter the market.
what are the 3 advantages of monopolistic competition?
1) Competition lowers prices and increases choice for consumers
2) Lower x-inefficiency
3) advertising informs consumers
advantages: monopolistic competition: lowers prices and increases choice
Competition lowers prices and increases choice for consumers
(like perfect competition)
• In the long run new entrants competing drives down prices for consumers because lower barriers make market entry possible. It also increases choice, increasing utility as consumers buy the product that best reflects their preferences
advantages: monopolistic competition: lowers x-inefficiency
Competition disciplines firms leading to less X-inefficiency than under a more complacent monopolist
advantages: monopolistic competition: advertising
Advertising informs consumers
• High level of advertising ensures consumers are informed about products available
preventing information failure if informative
what are the 4 disadvantages of monopolistic competition?
1) no economic efficiency
2) advertising spending is wasteful
3) unable to fully exploit economies of scale
4) Lack of profit in the long run
disadvantages: monopolistic competition: no economic effieciency
• Not productively efficient because not producing where AC=MC (bottom of AC curve), and AR (price) does not equal MC so not allocatively efficient either in either the short run or the long run
like Monopoly
disadvantages: monopolistic competition: advertising spending is wasteful
To get and maintain brand loyalty, firms advertise heavily. The SNP spent on advertising would be better used on investing in the factors of production to improve the quality of products, as this would increase consumer utility
advert doesn’t particularly make society better off
disadvantages: monopolistic competition: unable to fully exploit economies of scale
The ease of entry, and number of firms, means that the typical firm is unlikely to be fully exploiting the economies of scale that are possible leading to higher prices for consumers than could otherwise be achieved
disadvantages: monopolistic competition: lack of profit in the long run
less to invest in R+D, lowering dynamic efficiency
is monopolistic competition an accurate market condition?
The assumptions underpining monopolistic Competion may
be unrealistic and not reflect market conditions in the real world.
to what extent is monopolistic competition beneficial?
depends on the characteristics of the product, as this determines the extent to which the opportunities for economies of scale have been achieved or foregone.
like simple products are not missing out on economies of scale, no a natural monopoly