10: Command and control Flashcards
What is a ban?
Whatever activity is being identified is prohibited (not allowed)
If you break the ban, there will eb some form of formal punishment
Examples of bans
Incandescent light bulbs
Single-use plastics
Describe federal and city bans on single-use plastics
Things like plastic grocery bags, straws, six pack rings, plastic cutlery
Still available; fed gov is not actively enforcing it
What were the expected and actual outcomes of the Chicago Plastic Bag Ban?
Anticipated that people would say no to plastic bags, bring their own bags
In reality, stores made bags thicker (with more plastics) so that they were strong enough to be called a reusable bag. The policy increased the amount of plastic going into the waste system.
Why might cotton reusable bags not be the best choice?
You need to use a cotton bag around 130 times to make it more environmentally friendly than a single-use plastic bag
How did Chicago change their plastic bag strategy after the unintended results?
Put in place plastic pricing (charge for plastic bag)
What was Alberta’s Power Plant Coal Use ban?
Eliminated coal in AB for power generation
Switched to natural gas (produces half the amount of GHGs per unit E)
Considerations on bans
- work best when highly preferable alternative solutions are easy to adopt
- can have unintended consequences so adaptive management is important
- bans may be the preferable alternative even if market demand will not be satisfied with substitutes. In such cases, strong enforcement will be needed
What are non-tradable quota’s? Examples?
A prescribed number or share of something
e.g. hunting licenses, allowable CFC emissions per country from Montreal Protocol
What are technology standards? E.g.
Dictates a particular technology or procedure that must be followed when doing something
E.g. all cars must have catalytic converters, seatbelts
What are procedural standards? E.g.
Dictates a particular procedure that must be followed when doing something
- all new buildings must undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment
- all farms must have a nutrient management plan
- all employees must wash hands after using the washroom
What are performance based standards? E.g.
Dictates a performance standard for certain activities/products
- EU limits car emissions to 5 f/kWh of NOx
- all hands must be free of germs before returning to work (has to be clean, does not say how you have to get there)
Performance based standards allow…
those affected to use innovation and flexibility to meet the goals
Environmental problem in 1975? Two policy options?
NOx and CO being released, known solution is to install catalytic converters onto cars
- option 1: technical standard (all cars must have a catalytic converter)
- option 2: performance based standard stating “must emit less than X pollutants per km traveled”
How did the 1975 civic affect the adoption of a technological vs performance based standard
Came out as regulations were being produced; produced less carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides than most cars on the market WITH catalytic converters
More efficient motor, small with small engine
Honda lobbied to not have to put a catalytic converter on their car; performance based standard was adopted
Command and control is comforting to who? Who does not like it?
Comforting to politicians and people
The only ppl who do not like it are economists
Slide 29
Know it
What is the US inflation reduction act? How did it affect other countries?
Subsidize everything to reduce US emissions (transition to solar energy, electric cars, etc)
In response, Canada and Europe also enacted Inflation Reduction Acts
What is command and control
the direct regulation of an industry or activity by legislation that states what is permitted and what is illegal